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Class 1 4th Assignment 2021

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4th Assignment 2021

Class 1                     Subject: English                             FM: 20

Name: _______________      Roll ______

A. Mark True (T) or False (F) -5marks

  1. The crow and the tortoise were enemies. ___________ 
  2. The biggest enemy of the four animals was Man. ___________
  3. The deer had a plan to save the tortoise. ___________
  4. The hunter wanted the deer too. ___________
  5. The crow started biting the net to free the tortoise. ___________

B. Complete these sentences.-10 marks

  1. The four friends were _________________________________
  2. The tortoise was trapped in a hunter’s ____________________
  3. The _______________ had a plan
  4. The deer pretended to be _____________
  5. The crow flew round and round ________________

C. Where do they live? -5 marks

  1. A crow lives on a ________________.
  2. A deer lives in a
  3. A dog lives in a
  4. A fish lives in a
  5. A lion lives in a


Class 1                         Subject: Grammar                    FM: 40

Name: ______________          Roll _____

A. Put the right doing word in each sentence. 2x10=20

  1. The moon __________ at night.
  2. The baby __________ milk.
  3. A baker__________
  4. We__________ to school by bus
  5. The cow__________
  6. The lion__________ in a den.
  7. Mother__________
  8. Father __________ the newspaper.
  9. The cobbler __________ shoes.
  10. The sun __________ us light.


B. Tick the correct words: 2x10=20

  1. A star (twinkle,twinkles) at night.
  2. Stars (twinkle,twinkles) at night.
  3. He (work,works) in this factory.
  4. They (work,works) in this factory.
  5. This girl (dances, dance) on the stage.
  6. These girls (dances, dance) on the stage.
  7. Navya (play, plays) with a doll.
  8. The children (plays, play) football in the evening.
  9. Karishma and Amit (make, makes) beautiful paintings.
  10. Karishma (make, makes) beautiful paintings.


  Mathematics    Full mark : 40

Name :

Class :

Roll no :

Q1.Write the order of the numbers in counting.

      1 –

      2 –

      3 –

      4 –

      5 –

      6 –

      7 –

      8 –

      9 –

     10 –

     11 –

     12 –

Q2.Write the number  names.

a)53 –

b) 64 –
c) 87 –
d) 57 –
e) 72 –
f) 99 –

g)100 –

h) 77 –

Q3.Write  from the smallest to the largest.

a)25 , 5 , 39 , 12 , 9


b) 63 , 5 , 99 , 18 , 27


c) 45 , 15 , 30 , 75 , 60


d) 15 , 41 , 67 , 51 , 53


e) 86 , 43 , 76 , 62 , 26


Q4.A farmer has 26 mango tress and 32 banana trees. How many trees in all?

Q5. Ravi has 23 sweets. Raj has 35 sweets. How many sweets do they have in all?

Q6. A man buys 50 red roses and 36 white roses. How many roses does he buy?

Q7.A book has 96 pages. Paypal had read 84 pages. How many pages are left to read?

Q8. Paul had 65 colour pencils. He lost 32 pencils. How many pencils are left?



 Class: 1            Subject: Science

      Name:                                         Roll No:

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1.________(Birds/ fish) are animals with wings.

2.Insects are animals with_____(two/six) legs.

3.________(monkey/crocodiles) can live on land as well as in water.

B. Read the clues and circle the correct answer.

  1. I eat grass and I provide milk to human beings.

     Dog              Cow            Cat

  1. I am very big and heavy. My nose is known as trunk.

     Zebra          Monkey     Elephant

  1. I am small. I have six legs and wings to fly.

   Mosquito      Duck        Spider

  1. I am a bird but I cannot fly.

   Crow      Hornbill    Penguin

C. Choose from the brackets to answer the questions given below.

        [ Ant  Duck Elephant  Rabbit  Cockroach  Lion  Cat  Swan]

  1. Small animals _________ _________
  2. Big Animals _________ __________
  3. Birds that can swim ___________ _________
  4. Animals with six legs ___________ __________


D. Draw and colour pictures of 6(six) animals(Big, Small, Birds and Insects) and name them.



Class:1                 Subject: Social Studies

 Name:__________                 RollNo:________    

A. Read the sentences. Tick(√) 'Yes' or 'No'.

  1. Father, Mother and Children are called parents. Yes/ No.
  2. There are many people in a joint family. Yes/ No.
  3. We celebrate festivals with our family. Yes/ No.
  4. We do not eat with our family. Yes/ No.
    B. Write the missing letters.
    1. Stephen lives with his grandparents, parents and a younger sister.

He lives in a  L __r__e family.

  1. Lilly lives with her grandparents, parents,uncles, aunts and cousins.

She lives in a J__i__t family.

  1. Rose lives with her parents and an elder brother.

She lives in a S___a___l family.

C. Tick (√) what you do with your family.


  1. Play indoor games____ 2. Go out to watch movies_____ 3. Go for picnics_____
  2. Read story books______ 5. Go to park______ 6. Go for shipping______.

    D. How many members are there in your family. Write their names.

    E. How do you help your parents at home?



Alternative English

Class-1                       20 marks                                                                         

Name ____________  Roll no:_______

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

  1. The toy giraffe has a ____________ neck.
  2. A parrot has a _____ beak.
  3. A sunflower is __________.
  4. The milk is ______________.
  5. I had a ________ time with my friends.
  6. The sky is __________.
  7. The elephant is too ____________ to fit in the train.
  8. A ball is _____________.
  9. The Little Train _______________ her red flag.
  10. The Blue Engine ____________ up the mountain.

B. Draw a beautiful engine and colour it.


Class - 1      Subject-Tenyidie            (20 marks)

Ketsokeshüko kelashülie:

K1.Teicie puo nu thekhrü kerieu kedipuo ga?

K2. Teicie puo nu thekhrü kerepuo-u kedipuo ga?

K3. Teicie puo nu thekhrü thethau kedipuo ga?

K4. Teicie puo nu thekhrü kenieu kedipuo ga?

K5. Diecako thu tseishülie.

a) Cadi sieu ____________ vorya.
b) Ziephie mu Doshü unie donu _____________ vorya.
c) Ketshü mhodzüu _______________ vorya.
d) Thekhrü thepfüu_________________.
e) Tsiarie mu _____________ nie donu Rüyo vorya.

K6. Thekhrü kiu puo sie nu vorya ga?

a) Cacü, Cadi, Mvüsa, _____________
b) Doshü, Kezei, Kera, _____________
c) Ziephie, Rüde, Doshü, ____________
d) Mvüsa, Tsiarie, Rüyo, _____________

K7. Hako rhie kemezeshülie.

Thekhrü thenieu                         Kera

Thekhrü kerekenie                     Mvüsa

Thekhrü seu                                Rüde

Thekhrü ker-u                             Ketshü

Thekhrü sorou-u                        Cacü

Thekhrü pengou-u                     Cadi

Thekhrü diau                              Thenyie



Class-1                     FIT                Full Mark: 40


NAME: ___________ ROLL NO.______


  1. What is a machine?
  2. How does machine help us?
  3. What store and remember lots of information?         
  4. Name two machines that works on electricity.
  5. Name two machines that works on battery?              
  6. How does a monitor looks like?        
  7. Name any two parts of a computer.  
  8. What does CPU stands for?
  9. How many sets of number keys are there on a keyboard?
  10. How many number keys are there on a keyboard?
  11. Write the five steps to hold the mouse with your right hand.
  12. Draw a computer mouse.
  13. Draw a monitor.                    



Posted : 26 July 2021 11:35 AM