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Class 2 4th Assignment 2021

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Class 2

English      4th Assignment

Q1.  Match the words in columns A and B to get new words. Write them in column C.

           A                B               C 

  1. Post             Paper
  2. News           Board
  3. Lunch          Room
  4. Water          Time
  5. Dining          Fly
  6. Black           Man
  7. Butter         Melon

Q2. One word in each of these sentences is spelt incorrectly. Circle the words that are incorrect. Write down the correct spellings in the blanks.

  1. I have the adress to my friends house. _____
  2. The lily is a beautiful flawer. ______
  3. The boy was wearing a blue shert. __

Q3. Mark true (T) or false (F)

  1. In summer, the weather in hill stations is very hot. ( )
  2. In summer, the earth is dry and dusty. ( )
  3. People travel to warmer places during summer. ( )
  4. People like to go swimming during summer. ( )
  5. In winter, we do not get many vegetables. ( )

Q4. Fill in the blanks.

  1. During summer season people go to ______
  2. In summer, we get sweet smelling flowers like _____ and ____
  3. Peas, _____ and carrots are some vegetables that you get in the winter.
  4. The flowers of the gulmohur tree are _____ in colour.
  5. When the first raindrops fall on the dry earth, there is a very _____ smell.


Class 2                         Subject: Grammar                    FM: 40

Name: _____________________         Roll ____

A. Tick the correct words in the brackets: 10x1=10

  1. A cat (has, had) a furry tail.
  2. Megha (has, had) fever yesterday.
  3. I (have, had) a pizza and a Pepsi for lunch yesterday.
  4. Dimpy (has, Had) a new video game. She does not show it to anyone.
  5. I (have, had) one sister. Her name is Ria.
  6. Last Monday, Ashish (has, had) an English test.
  7. You (have, had) a beautiful umbrella. Have you lost it?
  8. Our school (have, had) a painting competition last week.
  9. A river (had, has) two banks.
  10. I (have, had) many friends. We always play together.

B. Tick the correct words in the brackets: 10x1=10

  1. I (was, were) in Class 1 last year.
  2. Tarun (was, were) not well yesterday.
  3. Pankaj and Rohan (was, were) in the park.
  4. Yesterday, it (was, were) a cloudy day.
  5. They (was, were) not playing.
  6. The vegetables (was, were) fresh.
  7. Madhu (was, were) alone in the house.
  8. There (was, were ) a poster on the wall.
  9. All the animals (was, were) happy.
  10. The ship (was, were) very big.

C. Fill in the blanks with is, are, or am : 14 marks

  1. I _________ Ritu’s brother. I _________ in class II.
  2. Ritu _________ my sister. She _________in a playschool.
  3. Our parents _________ very fond of us.
  4. We _________ proud of our parents.
  5. You _________ good at playing carom. I _________ not.
  6. Jimmy _________ my friend. He _________ my neighbour also
  7. There _________ no clouds in the sky.
  8. This tea _________ not hot. And there _________ no sugar in it. I _________ sorry I cannot drink it.

D. Underline the doing words in this passage: 6 marks

Father goes to office every day. He wears a mask all the time. He washes his hands frequently. He keeps a distance from the other workers. He cleans his office regularly. He bathes when he comes back home.


 Mathematics                               Full mark : 40

Name :

Class :

Roll no :

1.Write in the short form.

a)600 + 70 + 4 =

b) 300 + 60 + 4 =
c) 800 + 40 + 1 =
d) 200 + 50 + 6 =
e) 300 + 50 + 4 =

  1. Write in the long form .
    a) 478 =
    b) 999 =
    c) 150 =
    d) 709 =
    e) 587 =
  2. Ring the smallest and tick the largest.
    a) 390 , 568 , 350 , 676 , 530 , 667
    b) 982 , 892 , 793 , 996 , 889 , 988
    c) 577, 689 , 580 , 419 , 515 , 731
    d) 621 , 742 , 832 , 932 , 103 , 113
    e) 418 , 724 , 836 , 948 , 152 , 264
  3. Write in descending order.
    a) 221 , 113 , 105 , 90 , 172 , 180


b) 538 , 749 , 821 , 688 , 536 , 763


c) 170 , 563 , 102 , 333 , 111 , 556


d) 493 , 441 , 592 , 362 , 768 , 250


e) 631 , 442 , 339 , 420 , 450 , 552


  1. It took 356 days to build a house and 43 days to paint it. How many days did it take to finish the house?
  2. Priti sells cold drinks. She sold 342 on Sunday and 112 on Monday. How many less did she sell on Monday?
  3. Varun had 229 cards and Varsha has 135. How many cards do they have altogether?
  4. Ram went to school on 182 days. Sita went to school on 19 more days. On how many days did Sita go to school?
  5. Meena gave 156 gifts. Each gift had a large toy and a small toy. How many toys did she give in all?
  6. There are 564 houses on one side of a road and 398 houses on the other side. How many houses are there along the road?
  7. A painter painted the front door and the back door of 379 houses. How many doors did he paint?
  8. A woman makes dolls. Each doll has a red ribbon and a blue ribbon. How many ribbons does she need to make 125 dolls?
  9. 567 boys and girls are to sit on chairs. How many chairs are needed?
  10. Fuji has 124 coins. Asha has 135 more. How many coins does Asha have?






Roll no ________

Give two examples for the following 2*10=20

  1. Things used to make pucca houses

_____________       ______________

  1. Things used make kutcha houses

_____________            _________________

3 Temporary houses

______________    _________________

  1. Permanent houses

_________________                ____________

  1. Types of clothes we wear

________________   _____________

  1. Natural and living things

_________________        ______________

  1. Natural and non living things

_______________             _________________

  1. Man made things

_________________          _______________

  1. Things made of wood

 ________________           ________________

  1. Things made of rubber

________________             __________________


        Class:2                                          Subject: Social Studies

        Name:__________                          Rollno:_______
A. Write Yes or No.

  1. There are many books in the music room. _________
  2. We make craft items in the library. __________
  3. Playing is a good exercise. ____________
  4. We must keep our classroom clean. _______
  5. There are many people who help us in school.

     B. Read the clues and write the missing letters.

  1. She/He teaches us different subjects.

T____ _____ c_____e_______

  1. She/He looks after the working of school.

 P_____in_______i p_____ _____

  1. She/He keeps a watch at the school gate.


  1. She/ He looks after the school garden.

C. Match the following.

  1. Assembly Hall            a.Craft items
  2. Music Room               b. Many books
  3. Art Room                   c. Computers
  4. Computer Room         d. Guitar

       5.Library                     e.Morning Assembly
D. Arrange the activities in order.

Assembly Hall  Coming to school  Going back home

 Lunch Break

1._____________ 2.______________3.___________



Alternative English

Class-2                                              20marks                                                                         

Name __________________       Roll no:___________

A. Write a few lines (5-6 lines) on the topic, My Pet.
B. Match the words with their opposite.

  1. late              light
  2. long             sunny
  3. dark            humble
  4. stormy        bad
  5. good           last
  6. first             short
  7. proud          early

C. Some words from the story ‘A Stormy Day’ are given below. Find the words.

  1. The season before winter ________________
  2. A path or way ________________
  3.  To move slightly ________________

  4. The bank of a river ________________

  5. Moved faster than a walk ________________

  6. Place where a horse lives ________________ 

  7.  A light evening meal ________________

  8.  Speed of moving _______________


Class 2                           Tenyidie           FM. 20

Q 1. Puotei puokru ki die kezivi puotouko seyakezha zako thushϋlie.


  1. N Puo mhakhrϋ se vor n ketsϋ ki……………………………………
  2. No kekrϋlie di mia leshϋ bie pesuo kewa………………………….
  • 3. Kinu mhathoko nu n dzϋriepfϋ n khruohikeshϋ ki…………………………
    4. No n zepfϋ ki leshϋda chacϋ ki………………………………….

Q 2. Thezako meho di, ‘ N pezie rei’, A kejo’, ‘N pezie rei’ sekecϋ diecha puopuo thushϋlie.


  1. Kethusei

N pezie rei ………………………………………………………………………………………….

A kejo ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

N pezie……………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Meruonya

N pezie rei…………………………………………………………………………………………….


N pezie …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Nhasi

N pezie rei ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

A kejo …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

N pezie ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Class-2                              FIT                     Full Mark: 40


NAME: ________________ ROLL NO.________

  1. Write two types of computer.
  2. Name the main parts of a PC.
  3. What is also known as the brain of a computer?
  4. What is printed paper known as?
  5. What is microphone used for?
  6. What does UPS stands for?
  7. What does CD Stands for?
  8. What does DVD stands for?
  9. What is the use of speakers?
  10. What is taskbar?
  11. Explain the four parts of taskbar.
  12. Draw a keyboard. Colour the alphabet keys with pink and colour the number keys with green.



Posted : 26 July 2021 11:38 AM