Class 1 Second Eval...
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Class 1 Second Evaluation (2nd Assignment)

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Second Evaluation

2nd Assignment 2021

Class – 1              Subject: English                   Full Mark: 40


Name:_____________          Roll ____


  1. Fill up this POEM with the names of the days of the week in order. (2x6=12)

Solomon Grundy

Born on a Monday

Christened on a   ­­­­­_____________________________,

Married on a   ­­­­­_____________________________,

Took ill on   ­­­­­_____________________________,

Worse on   ­­­­­_____________________________,

Died on   ­­­­­_____________________________,

Buried on   ­­­­­_____________________________,

And that was the end of Solomon Grundy.

2. The words in the questions below are mixed up. Write them out correctly. Remember to put the question mark (?) at the end. (2X5=10)

  1. Time to go/ is it/ to school


  1. Ready for/your test/Are you


  1. Are you/with me/very angry



  1. In the garage/car/Is your


  1. Today/Did you/have breakfast


3. Choose the correct option. Put a tick (ü) mark (2x4=8)

  1. The clock is kept in the ______________________
    a. Bedroom room        c. playground
  2. The clock has ______________________
    a. Two hands hands             c. three hands
  3. The clock points to the ______________________
    a. Wall    b. time                     c. boy
  4. The clock teaches us to ______________________
    a. Study b. read                     c. do what is right

4. Fill in the blanks with Is it or Are you. (2x5=10)

  1. You look ill. _________________________okay?
  2. ______________________ easy to touch the ceiling fan?
  3. I like your dress. ______________________new?
  4. ______________________going to school today?
  5. I have not read this book. ______________________good?



Class – 1              Subject- Grammar                   Full Mark -50


Name: ______________           Roll no. ____


A. Fill in the blanks with has or have: (2x6=12)

  1. Pooja and Ruchi are friends.

Pooja _________ three toffees.

Ruchi _________ two toffees.

Together they _________ five toffees.

  1. Mona _________ a Parrot.

The Parrot’s  name is Lori.

Lori _________ a green body and a red beak,

Mona and Lori _________ great fun together.


B. Rewrite these group of words as sentences. (2x5=10)

  1. has Mary little a lamb


  1. plays with the lamb she


  1. the lamb with Mary to the school goes


  1. wants the lamb enter to the class


  1. laugh all the children


C. Circle the doing words (2x8=16)

  1. Gopal sweeps the floor in the morning.
  2. A chemist sells medicines.
  3. Martin hit the ball very hard.
  4. The bulbul sings sweet songs.
  5. We cut vegetables with a knife.
  6. Boats sail on water.
  7. Amit brushes his teeth everyday.
  8. Peter goes to school by bus.

    D. Complete these sentences. Use is, are, or am with doing words. Doing words are give below. (2x6=12)
    1. The baby ____________________________
    2. The stars ____________________________in the sky.
    3. What are you doing?

I ____________________________ to the parrot.

  1. The ducks ____________________________ in water.
  2. It ____________________________ outside.
  3. The elephant ____________________________ a football.

Twinkling,   Talking,   Swimming,   laughing,   kicking,   raining




Class 1   Mathematics    Full mark : 50

Name :

Roll no :


1.Write 101 to 200.


  1. Fill in.

a)10 paise + 10 paise =

b) 25 paise + 50 paise =
c) 20 rupees + 2 rupees =
d) 1 rupee + 2 rupees =
e) 50 paise + 30 paise =
f) 50 paise + 10 paise =
g) 75 rupees + 20 rupees =
h) 30 rupees + 5 rupees =
i) 40 paise + 32 paise =
j) 40 rupees + 40 rupees =


  1. Add.
    a) 90 + 5 + 2
    b) 25 + 31 + 22
    c) 10 + 34 + 52
    d) 20 + 30 + 40
    e) 32 + 35 + 22


  1. Write down the Multiplication Table 1 to 10.



Class:1                 Subject: Science

Name:______________ Roll no:___________

  1. Write the names of any five:


 Fruits                 Vegetables  

1.__________       1.___________

2.___________.     2.___________

3.____________      3.__________

4.____________.     4.___________

5._____________.    5.___________

2. Write P for the food we get from plants and A from the food we get from animals.

  1. Bean_____ 2. Potato____ 3. Fish____ 4. Onion______ 5. Rice_____ 6.Meat____
    7. Eggs______ 8. Gram_______ 9. Milk____ 10. Wheat_____

    3. Cross ( × ) the odd one out.

  1. Eggs Candy Milk  Meat.
  2. Milk Butter  Eggs    Cheese.
  3. Chocolate Milk Sweets   Butter.
  4. French fries Eggs Meat    Fish
  5. Fish Noodles Milk   Eggs

    4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  1. We get fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses from____(animals/plants).
  2. ____(milk/cereals) makes our bones and teeth strong.
  3. To be healthy,we must eat____(one/different) kinds of food.
  4. We____(should/should not) overeat.
  5. Eating healthy food helps us to_____(grow/ sleep).

    5. Draw and colour 5(five) HEALTHY and 5(five) UNHEALTHY foods.



Class:1                                   Subject: Social Studies

Name:_______________         Rollno:____________

  1. Circle the words that have names of people who help us.

Teacher   Pen    Doctor     Mickey mouse  Cobbler  Police officer

Chhota Bheem  Milkman   Carpenter  Elsa   Tailor   Ariel    Green-grocer    Belle

Shopkeeper       Cinderella        Snow-white.

2. Write the missing letters.

  1. Mimi sells bread and cake. She is a S___o__k__ ___ p___ r.
  2. Bobo mends shoes. He is a C__ b___l__r.
  3. Fifi stitches clothes. She is a T___ ___ l___ ___.
  4. Titu brings letters for us. He is a P___st___a___.
  5. Kuku repairs beds. He is a C___rp___nt___r.

    3. Answer in one word.(Refer Lesson:10, My School).
    1. Where do you sit?
    2. What does the teacher write on?
    3. What does the teacher write with?
    4. Where do you throw waste paper?
    5. What do you put up on the soft board?

    4. Number these sentences in the correct order.

____ I wear my uniform and then eat breakfast.

____ I come back in the afternoon.

____I get up in the morning.

____ I read, write and play in school.

_____I reach school on time.

_____I go to the washroom and take a bath.


5. Draw and colour the following.
1. Schoolbag   2. Pencil   3. Eraser   4. Dustbin   5. Book


Class-1     Alternative English                                  F:M=40

NAME: ___________________   Roll no: _________


A. Answer these questions.

  1. What did the poor shoemaker do with his last piece of leather?
  2. What was the strange thing that he found in the morning?
  3. What did the shoemaker and his wife sees when they stayed awake one night?
  4. What did the shoemaker make for the elves?
  5. Who lived with the Little Red Hen? Where did they live?
  6. What happened to the wheat in summer?
  7. Who helped the Little Red Hen bake the loaf of bread?

    B. Fill in the blanks with the names of the place where these animals sleep.
    1. A lion sleeps in a _____.
    2. A dog lives in a _____.
    3. A bird lives in a ______.
    4. A cow lives in a _____.
    5. A horse lives in a ______.
    6. A hen lives in a _________.
    7. A rabbit lives in a _______.
    8. A bee lives in a _______.

    C. Complete the table with words that show many.

  1. elf _____
  2. shoe _____
  3. wife ______
  4. glass _____
  5. knife ____
  6. night ______
  7. life _____
  8. bench ____


 D. Match the words to make pairs.

  1. salt        a. duster
  2. chalk      b. fork
  3. pen        c. pepper
  4. cup        d. paper
  5. spoon    e. saucer

    E. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.


  1. The shoemaker ____ his last piece of leather last evening.
  2. In the morning, he ____ a pair of shoes ready on his bench.
  3. The customer ___ the shoes very much.
  4. The shoemaker ___ to buy more leather.


Class-1        Subject-Tenyidie              (40marks)


Ketsokeshüko kelashülie :

K1. Kinu kibouko za thushülie.                                   2

K2. Mhachaki nu mhanya pengou  za thushülie.          5

K3. Dzülubou nu mhanya pengou za thushülie.           5

K4. Thezhübou nu mhanya pengou za thushülie.         5

K5. Thehoubou nu mhanya pengou za thushülie.        5

K6. Hako pie Tenyidie nu thushülie.                          8

1) Room

2) Kitchen

3) Bedroom

4) Living room

5) Bathroom

6) Fish

7) Water

8) Swimming


K7. "KHUONUOYO" geizo-u pemo di thushülie.                                           10




Class-1                FIT              Full Mark: 50


NAME: ______________ ROLL NO._____


A. Tick (the correct statement and cross (X) out the wrong one.

  1. A computer mouse has only one button.             (     )
  2. The arrow on a computer monitor is called the mouse pointer. (     )
  3. A computer mouse should not be kept on a mouse pad.             (     )
  4. We can press only the left button of a computer mouse.             (     )
  5. Always share your computer with others.             (     )


B. Fill in the blanks.
1. You will use ____________ keys to type the number 65.
2. The ___________ key is used to start a new line.
3. You will use _____________ keys to type your name.
4. The ______________ is the longest key on a keyboard.
5. There are ________ alphabet keys on a keyboard.
6. A mouse can have two or three ___________ on it.
7. A mouse is attached to the CPU with a long ____________.
8. A mouse is placed on a ________________.
9. A computer mouse helps the ______________ to move.
10. You should keep your computer ____________ when not in use.


C. Answer the following questions.
1. What are alphabet keys? How many alphabet keys are there on a keyboard?
2. What are special keys? Give examples.

  1. Give the usage of number keys and alphabet keys.
  2. What is a mouse?
  3. What is the mouse pointer?


D. Fill in the missing letter.


  1. C __ __ C K
  2. A __ __ O W
  3. B __ T __ O __
  4. __ O __ N __ E __
  5. M __ U __ E __ A __
  6. S __ R __ __ L
  7. __ O __ S E
  8. R __ G __ T C __ I __ K
  9. W __ R __
  10. E __ T __ R



Class: 1  Sub: Time Table                                    Marks : 40

Name : ___________________ Roll No. : ________   


Q.1 Write in Roman numerals.

1=         30=

2 =         40=

3 =         50=

4 =        60=

5 =        70=

6 =        80=

7 =        90=

8 =        100=

9 =         200=

10 =       300=

11=        400=

12=        500=

13 =        600=

14=         700=

15=          800=

16=          900=

17=          1000=

18=          2000=




Q.2 write the international system of numeration and it’s numeral.

  1. Unit -
  2. Ten –
  3. Hundred –
  4. Thousand -
  5. Ten thousand –
  6. Lakh –
  7. Ten lakh –
  8. Crore –
  9. Ten crore –
  10. Arab –
  11. Ten Arab –
  12. Kharab–
  13. Ten kharab -



Class: 1                                Subject:GK

Name:____________ Rollno:_______

1. Write A for Air transport,L for Land transport and W for water transport.

  1. Airplane______ 2. Cycle_____ 3. Ship_____ 4. Car____ 5. Parachute____
  2. Bus____ 7. Train______ 8. Helicopter_____ 9. Boat____ 10. Bullock-cart______.

    2. Help the animals find their homes.

  1. Spider a.Stable
  2. Cow b. Nest
  3. Rabbit c.Hive
  4. Horse d. Kennel
  5. Lion e. Shed
  6. Bee f. Den
  7. Dog g. Web
  8. Bird h. Burrow

    3. Fill in the blanks. Choose words from the help box.


Fasten,ride, helmet, seatbelt,zebra,put, head,

hands, air, footpath, water, land.



  1. The means of transport that travels on land are called____transport.
  2. Themeansoftransportthat flies in the air are called____transport.

3.Themeansoftransportthat sails on water arecalled____transport.

  1. Cross the road only at_____ crossing.
  2. Don't_____ your_____ and_____ out of a bus window.
  3. Wear a ______ when you ____ a bicycle.
  4. _____your______ when you are sitting in the car.
  5. Always walk on the________.

    4. Draw and colour the following.

  1. Aeroplane 2. Boat 3. Car 4. Elephant 5. Starfish 6 Parrot
  2. Traffic light signals (Refer page 32).




Class: 1                 Sub: Drawing/ Handwriting                               Marks:50

Name:____________________   Roll no._______


  1. Draw a giraffe and colour it. (20)
  2. Look and write 10 times each in cursive handwriting(4 line paper) (30)


a. There is no place like home.
b. There is no rose without a thorn.


Posted : 2 September 2021 4:36 PM