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Offline Classes for Class 1 - 10

1 Posts
1 Users
Avikuo Belho
Posts: 83
Estimable Member Admin
Topic starter

1. Offline classes for Class 1 - 10 will begin on 21st February 2022.

2. All SOPs will be followed.

3. Students should bring their own essentials and observe social distancing.

4.Admission for bus should be done on or before 21st February.

5. All students will have to submit a consent letter on or before 21st February. (Consent letter given below)

6. Routine for class will be given out later.


Consent Letter



   The Principal

   Grace Higher Secondary School, Kohima


Sub: Consent for ________________________(Full name of student with class) to attend offline class.



         I give permission to let my son/daughter/ward _______________________________(Full name of student with class and roll number) to attend the guidance classes set up by the school. My son/daughter/ward will adhere to all the social distancing rules given by the school.

Thanking you

Name ____________________________

Signature _________________________

Contact no. _______________________

Date: __________________________

(Father's/Mother's/Guardian's name and signature) 


Posted : 17 February 2022 11:45 AM