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Class 12 2nd Assignment 2021

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                                           Assignment 2021  (70 marks )

                                              Class 12 English.

                                         Section –A (Literature)

  1. Answer the following questions: (4x2=8)
    a. Who is Tawakkul Karman?
    b. Describe the physical appearance of the hungry soldier.
    c. Why was Susan called a rocket?
    d. What was the one thing Susan disliked being called and why?


  1. Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions that follow:

I.                      I am not yet born; provide me With  water to dandle me, grass to grow for me, Trees to talk to me, sky to sing to me, birds and a white light in the back of  my mind to guide me.

a. Identify the poetic device used in line2. (1)

b. Who is the speaker and what is he praying for? (2)


I.        Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

           Within his bending sickle's compass come;    
       Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
       But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
a)   How is love personified?(1)
b)       Explain the phrase ‘edge of doom’.(2)

4.  Write a note on the theme of the poem, ‘Prayer before birth.’ (4)

5.(I) Through this the well-beloved Brutus stabb'd;
And as he pluck'd his cursed steel away,
Mark how the blood of Caesar follow'd it,
As rushing out of doors, to be resolved
If Brutus so unkindly knock'd, or no;
For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's angel:
Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him!
This was the most unkindest cut of all.
a) Who is being referred to as Caesar’s angel?(1)
b) What happens when Brutus plucked his cursed steel away? (2)
c) Why does Antony refer to the stabbing of Caesar as the ‘most unkindest cut of all’? (2)

(II) One of Mark Antony’s most significant characteristics is his strong loyalty to Julius Caesar. Substantiate this statement with evidence from the text. (5)                         

               Section- B (Reading)

7.  Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Ozymandias.

I met a traveler from an antique land

Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

Half sunk, a shatter’d visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my woks, ye mighty and despair!

”Nothing beside remains: round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

P.B Shelley.

a. What is the theme of the poem? (1)

b. What differences does the narrator find from the traveller’s description when he sees the statue? (2)

c. What do the ‘wrinkled lip’ and ‘sneer of cold command’ suggest? (3)

d. Explain in your words ‘nothing beside remains’. (3)e.Explain the irony of the inscription on the pedestal of the statue. (3) 

                                                    Section –C (Writing)

8.a. You are Amelia, a resident of Woodland Heights, Kohima, Nagaland. You want to rent out a room in your flat to students. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in the newspaper. (5)


 b.You are Robert Smith and you are organizing a dinner party for your brother’s graduation at Oakwood Resort for your family members, relatives and friends on 6th November, 2020. Fill in the form to book the banquet hall for the event. (5)

a. Type of event you are planning. (Tick the appropraite option)

*Wedding * Pesonal * Birthday *  Anniversary * Other(specify)

b. Food service (tick the approparaite option)

*Breakfast * lunch * dinner

c. Date of the event …………………….
d. Time and duration of the event………………
e. Number of people attending……………………
f. Decoration and sitting arrangement………………..
g. Name of the person booking the event……………………
h. Address for communication……………………………………
i. Contact details:

Email:        phone number:

j. Any other requirements for the event. (eg bouquets, valet parking, microphones, podium etc.)
9. You are John/ Mary, a staff reporter of Nagaland Post. You have been asked to visit the flooded areas in Assam and write a report to be published in the newspaper. (7)
10. You have recently moved to Kohima and your furniture which arrived by train was damaged . Write a letter to the manager of Indian Railways informing him of the damages and seeking compensation. Sign your name as Amelia/Stephen.(8)

Section –D (Grammar)

  1. Give the idiomatic expressions of the following and use the idioms in your sentences .(3)
    a. Couch potato
    b. Not your cup of tea
    c. Old head on young shoulders.
  2. Rewrite the following as directed in the bracket. (3)
    a. Alex ……(leave)the city in 2015. (use simple past tense)
    b. I am reading your latest book.( use present perfect continuous tense)
    c. Mr Das had completed twenty years in this school in May. (use future perfect tense)
  3. Fill in the blanks with correct modals: (4)
    a. It is not raining. You………….take your umbrella.
    b. You ………. be exhausted after a long drive.
    c. If you want to speak English fluently, you ……………to work hard.
    d. ………you get me a glass of water please?


Class 12     History

 Q1. What is Saddle Querns?1

Q2. What is the literal meaning of Mohenjodaro?1

Q3. Who deciphered Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts?1

Q4. What is epigraphy?1

Q5. Give two important rules about Gotra.2

Q6. Why is Social History called"grassroots history"?2

Q7. Mention four impact of Jainism on the Indians.4

Q8. Describe the extent of Harappan civilization.4

Q9. Describe the history of Mahajanapada of Magadha.How did it rise into prominence?4

Q10. Write a note on Ashoka's concept of Dhamma.6

Q11. Why did Jainism have little appeal among the masses?6

Q12. Describe the social condition during the Gupta period.6

Q13. Mention the teachings of the Buddha.8


Q15. What are inscriptions?8

Q16. What are the legacy of Buddhism?8


Class- 12.             Political science      Total = 70 marks

Q. Very short answer questions : (1×10=20) marks

  1. What is the full form of FICCI and INTUC?
  2. What is Jeans culture in the context of of US cultural supremacy?
  3. Name the Treaty that formally established European Union in 1993?
  4. Name the Declaration through which ASEAN was formed?
  5. Mention any two objectives of the United Nations?
  6. Which organ is described as the 'Enforcement' or 'Executive wing' of the United Nations?
  7. Who was the chairman of the first Backward classes commission?
  8. When did Iraq invade and occupied Kuwait?
  9. What is the currency of the European union?
  10. Name the present Secretary-General of the United Nations?
    Q. Short answer questions : (2×10=20) marks
  11. What is meant by Interest or Pressure groups?
  12. Distinguish between Pressure Groups and political Parties?
  13. What is meant by US Unilateralism?
  14. Why did the military experts term the first Gulf war as 'Computer war'?
  15. Mention the main challenge to US economy?
  16. What was the Marshall Plan?
  17. What is ASEAN Way?
  18. What does the ASEAN Flag display?
  19. Mention the Major specialised Agencies of the United Nations.
  20. What is Human Rights Watch?
    Q. Long answer questions:
  21. Examine the role of Pressure Groups in India? 6 marks
  22. Examine India's relations with USA from 1990 onwards. 6 marks
  23. Why was ASEAN formed? What are its main objectives? 6 marks
  24. Examine the relevance of the of the United Nations? 6 marks
  25. Examine any four causes and the four consequences of the First Gulf War. 8 marks
  26. What were the main recommendations of the Mandal Commission? 8 marks


Class 12 Education

I.Answer the following questions.

  1. What is good curriculum? 1
  2. Define maturation. 1
  3. Which period is called ' gang age'? 1
  4. How can you say that ' attention is a conscious process'? 1
  5. Define heredity. 1
  6. Who propagated classical conditioning theory? 1
  7. Define learning. 1
  8. What is mental heredity? 1
  9. What measures need to be taken to maintain a ' healthy environment'? 2
  10. Mention any two characteristics of maturation. 2
  11. Explain the emotional developmental characteristics of early childhood.2
  12. Explain the nature of heredity. 2
  13. What are the various levels involve in the process of attention? 2
  14. How can fear be eliminated? 2
  15. How is Psychology an essential part of education? 4
  16. Explain the mechanism of heredity. 4

    Long Answer questions.

  17. Explain the educational significance of Education in Childhood and adolescence. 3+3=6
  18. How can attention and interest be inseparable in education? 6
  19. Explain the three laws of learning. 2+2+2=6
  20. Explain the educational implications of insightful learning. 8
  21. Define attention. Explain six main characteristics of attention. 2+6=8
  22. Describe the physical, intellectual and social developmental characteristics of adolescence stage of human development. 8


Alternative English


  1. Answer the following questions. (5x2=10)
    a. According to Nehru, what is the underlying factor which has propelled the civilization forward?
    b. According to Nehru, what has been man’s quest?
    c. Explain the relevance of ‘philosopher stone’ and ‘elixir of life’ in the essay ‘Knowledge and wisdom’.
    d. Explain the phrase ‘costly followers’, as used by Bacon.
    e. What was so unusual about M. Hamel’s dress and behavior on the day of his last French lesson?


  1. Answer the following questions in details. (2x5=10)
    a. What was Nehru’s purpose of writing these letters to Indira? Analyze.
    b. Give a character sketch of M.Hamel.


  1. Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (4x5= 20)
    a. All the world’s a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players:

    They have their exits and their entrances;

    And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages.

b.Death,be not proud,though some have called thee 

     Mighty and dreadful , for thou art not so,

 For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow,

 Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

c. Or blush, at least. She thanked men,-good! but thanked

Somehow­—I know not how—as if she ranked

       My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name

       With anybody’s gift. Who’d stoop to blame

d. Weavers, weaving solemn and still,

     What do you weave in the moonlight chill?....

     White as a feather and white as a cloud,

     We weave a dead man’s funeral  shroud.


  1. Long answer questions.(2x5=10)
    a. Character sketch of Uncle James.
    b. What does the play reveal about contemporary society?


  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions to complete the sentence.(5x1=5)
    a. The Lion and the jackal fought _____ the crown.
    b. The old woman sat _____ the tree.
    c. We sailed _______ the river.
    d. The soldiers passed ____.
    e. The thief hid _______ the door.


  1. Fill in the blanks using appropriate conjunctions.(5x1=5)
    a. He was so tired ______ he could barely keep his eyes open.
    b. A small _____cozy room it was.
    c. Will you wait here ____ I Come back?
    d. ________ it is Sunday, the school is closed.
    e. It has been long _______ I met her.


  1. Write an essay on:
    a. Importance of Education in a modern world.


b. Why Tobacco should be banned for students.


Class 12.            TENYIDIE                 F.M=70

Section – A ( Kesi Mhaphrϋ)

  1. Thedze hau phrϋlie di ketso kebako kelashϋlie:

Telemia seyie ha tsu pacific dzükezha lehie kijü thezha ketsa kesouthoko mho thechü kerükrieko nu lhou baya. Themia hako u rütsonyie khunuo hu, dzükezha nu khunuo kou mu khunuo ruko se chü di seya.

Dzümou ha uko ca kemeyietho-u zo mu u kecüca zadia ha dzümou cü di lhou baya. Ukoe thezu, tinhyü mu guorünuo mu nhakuoko icü cüya mu hako thenumia thuo pfhüya. Tfumiako ro rühou di pera, haho kemhieko pfhüya. Uko la mhatho kemeyietho-u liro thevo keperi. Thevo ha se thehethehie pete nu, kishükiya heko mu nanyüko nu icü kecüca kemeyietho puo chüya.

Lakipuo rüna icü terhü chütaya mhanuü rüna kenie donu terhüta ro themia ketseshü di vo thechü huo nunu keperhietuo morei huomia ro rüshü vo di theü ciepie mia pewa di tatatuo. Mia puoe terhü rülou chü se di kenuo themia chüu cüya. Themia kelhou dze kephrümiako pucü mha hau Africa kijü niakratsa themia huo, Borneo kijüloteu nu mu Brazil nu mha hau chü vor di khawate. Süla ukoe pukecü mha hauha chü mokelie-e mhasiu ngu parketa kezhatho puo we idi pu. Telemia tsie we kijü dzeko si sede parlietazhie mu sidi kelhouzho kesuoko nunu rüdi parlietazhie. Bahurei haha Dieliekevi kepethamia vo u ra tsokelie geinu sede üsi.


a) Telemia ca kemeyietho-u sü kedipuo ga?1
b) Kedipuo la Telemia thevo keperi pie uko mhatho kemeyietho-u chüya ga?1
c) Uko rütsonyieko kedipuopuo se chüya ga? 1
d) Uko kecüca dzümou gei za kitsuo ba üsi ga? 1
e) Telemia thenuko kecüca kiko pfhüya ga? 2
f) U ngumvümia kesiamo ngulie ro pie kedipuo chüya ga? 1
g) Dieliekevi kepethamia vo u ra tsokelie geinu Telemia-e kimhielietazhü üsi ga? 1
h) ‘Thehethehie’ hau puoca kedipuo ga? 1
i) ‘Niakratsa’ hau puo kepetsou cau thushülie. 1

SECTION –B (Thedze kezo)

  1. Hanie puo (1) kedapie dieca 150 – 200 mese nunu thushϋlie:
    a) Die puo kekuo ikecü cayieu medzi di ese puo thushülie. 6mMoro
    b) N zeu morei n zepfü n nie khoutho teiu nu kedipuo chü di n nie tei pevo bashikecü rüchüdie nunu thushülie.
  2. N leshüki-e teicie 50 nyiu nyituo ükezhüu la kephrünuomia krünuoko bu vor nukecü phreikie leshü thushülie. 4m

SECTION – C (Diezho)

  1. Hako chatha khakeshϋ medzi di kelashϋlie: (6x1=6)
    a) ………………. A raka pete pejϋwate. ( ungo pfhephra-u thushϋlie)
    b) Puo puo rϋgu la chϋlie. (Diepe rhieshϋlie)
    c) Chϋpahiu bu kerϋgu-u ……………...( kerϋdi dietho puotou-u thushϋlie)

d)Avituo-e themia kevi puo ( Dietso rhieshϋlie)

e) Puo vor sidi puo nupfu khieki bate. ( Diekheu rhieshϋlie)

f) Themuo khrie phaphawa hiecie (Diebau rhieshϋlie)

  1. Hakhro kebau Tenyidie nu thuyie chϋshϋlie: 5m

When life presents opportunities you must seize  them and not let them up. Everyone in their future gets some chances to move forward. We must avail of them and make use of them. We must also put in our efforts. Then only can we be successful.

SECTION – D (Diemvϋ)


  1. Kiϋdi kemengu kethanie krϋnuokoe unie bu kerei kenyϋ ϋta ga?1m
  2. Keviphuϋ kereita ketuo duϋ sie kedipuo puo chϋtha ϋsi ga? 2m

8.U tsiepfumia Vitho menguya ϋcϋ thakie puo thushϋlie. 2m

  1. Sotho mu Sokhrie puoca thushϋlie. 2m
  2. “ Sϋmia liro nacϋnanyϋ kere chϋ di tere keba ki zorei ‘kimo’ chϋ u somia kinu volieya”

a)Suomiae kimo chϋ u somia kinu vilieya ga?       1m

b) ‘ Kimo’ puoca kedipuo ga? 1m
c) Puo kimo chϋta liro kedipuo chϋ la morosuo tatuo ga? 2m

11. Kedipuo la Keviphuϋ prϋnuoko Virϋnoumo biewa mota ga? 5m


12.Telhie sϋ kedipuo ga?  1m

  1. Ketho-u si kemomia kimhieya ga? 2
  2. V. Sachü kedipuo pie Kepenuopfü ki puo mezhiemeloshü ga? 2m
  3. Geizo diecha hanie puoca vatshashϋlie:
    a. No we kijϋ kinyiko le di, 3+3=6

      Ja tuo hieluo, teigei kedi nu

       Nie la phruo mu kesepie ba mu

b. Kewhi rϋzhϋ la kevor nhie,

     Lhouphi-nuo rei mharapuo tuo di,

     Melie tsaza Kewhimia za kie,

      Tsurtuo nhie nie khriesa taze.

  1. Phichϋ tuo mo nhicumia rϋbei-

        Keta ngu di chayalie N ki:

        Kepenuopfϋ hie kecha rϋnyϋ

a. Diecha hako geizo kiu nunu separ ga? 1m
b. Geize diecha hako vatshashϋlie. 3m

17. Dietho kemo kinyi kengukeliemia kenuotsa u kelhou kimhie votaya ϋsi ga? 2m

18. Dietho-o mu Menuosienuo unie kikrue Kepenuopfϋ khrϋprei nu lhoukeshϋ la theja kimhiecϋ ngulie ga?2m

19. Raka se vor ro pielie rei vi ho, uko vie puo mo mechϋ vie biepie ba di za keba zo, sϋla pielie zorei vi ho.
i) Supuoe mechϋ raka bie cϋ ba ga? 1m
ii) Diecha hako suomia pu mu kicϋ teiki puo pu ga? 1m

iii) Kedipuo la raka se vor ro pielie nuta ga?  2m


Class 12               EE     40m


  1. Choose the correct answer 1x 10 =10

1.A book listing the threatened and endangered species is

a) Red Data Book b) Red book c) data book            d) none of the above


  1. Species found only in a specific area/habitat are known as
    a) Endemic Species b) Endangered species c) Vulnerable species        d) Threatened species


  1. Eicchorniacrassipes is considered as an
    a) Exotic species b) Endemic species c) Endangered species       d) threatened species


  1. Red panda is categorised under
    a) Endangered b) Extinct c) Vulnerable                        d) Exotic


  1. The position occupied by each species in a food chain is called
    a) Trophic level b) Energy level                      c) Food energy level            d) none of the above.


  1. Which of the following animal source is used as a wound healer
    a) Bacterium b) Sparge c) Blowfly larva                     d) all of the above


  1. Which of the following is used for hypertension
    a) Penicillin b) Rauwolfia c) Poppy plant                      d) Cinchona


  1. Aspirin is extracted from which of the following plant
    a) Foxglove plant b) Aspirinacealis c) Filipendulaulmaria          d) Rosy periwinkle


9.In commensalism both the organisms are

a) Benefited b) harmed                                 c) not benefited                   d) none of the above


  1. India has a total of ____________biogeographic regions
    a) 10 b) 20 c) 30                                        d) 40


B. Short answer questions. 2 x 5 = 10

  1. Define ecosystem diversity.
  2. Differentiate mutualism and commensalism.
  3. Name the list of the categories mentioned in the Red data book.
  4. Define ex situ and in situ conservation
  5. Define threatened species. Give two examples.


C. Long answer questions 5 x 4 = 20

1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of in situ conservation.

2.Give the details of important economic commodities that biodiversity supplies to mankind.

  1. What do you understand by ecological crisis?

4.How can people and wildlife conflicts be mitigated?




Subject: Economics

Total: 70 marks

A. Very short-answer type questions (1x8=8 marks)

  1. Define Aggregate Demand. (1 Mark)
  2. “Bread is a consumer good”. True or false (1 mark)
  3. What are capital goods. (1mark)
  4. What is leakage. (1 mark)
  5. What is Injections. (1 Mark)
  6. Define money. (1 Mark)
  7. What are raw material. (1 Mark)
  8. Define foreign trade. (1 Mark)

B. Short-answer type questions (2x5=10 Marks)

  1. What is EXIM policy? (2 Mark)
  2. Mention any two problems of Indian Agriculture. (2 Marks)
  3. What are the primary functions of money? (2 Marks)
  4. Differentiate between Final goods and Intermediate goods.(2 Mark)
  5. What is Circular flow of income. (2 Marks)

C. Short-answer type questions ( 4x3=12 Marks)

  1. What are the three important features of Agriculture? (4 Marks)
  2. Discuss any four features of India’s Foreign Trade. (4 Marks)
  3. “Money is a medium of exchange”. Explain (4 Marks)

D.Long-answer type questions(6x4=24 marks)

  1. Distinguish between real flows and money flows. (6 marks)
  2. Discuss any five policies of Agriculture. (6 Marks)
  3. Discuss privatisation stating its merits. (6 Marks)
  4. Discuss globalisation stating its demerits. (6 Marks)

E. Long-answer type questions(8x2=16 Marks)

  1. Discuss in detail the problem of barter system. (8 marks)
  2. Explain the changing role of the state in the Indian economy since 1991. (8 Marks)


Posted : 25 July 2021 3:18 PM