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Class 10 2nd Assignment 2021

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2nd Assignment  2021

Class 10           English (60)

  1. Describe Macbeth’s second visit to the witches.( 5)
  2. Hopkins compares the bird to many things. What are they? What characteristics of the bird do they reveal? (5)

Reading (20)

  1. (A)Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

When a brave mountaineer is assailing the Everest he is as great a hero as a

cosmonaut rocketing towards Mars in his space capsule, and thousands of men and

women in different countries back his progress with their good wishes and share

the thrills and anxieties of his hazardous journey to the roof of the world, while

scores of anxious scientists wish him success in the hope of obtaining valuable

information on atmospheric conditions in the upper regions of the earth.

Mountaineering is indeed a source of pleasure and a mine of useful knowledge

which is constantly enriching the scientific vocabulary of geologists, mineralogists

and glaciologists of the world.

Mountaineering is a perennial source of joy to those who have eyes that

can appreciate beauties of nature. Nowhere does nature reveal her charm in greater

abundance than as green and flowering mountain tops with transparent streams of

water flowing down their slopes or on snow-clad hills where sunlight weaves its

magic colours into their virginal whiteness. To lovers of mountains, the sound of

waterfalls is like the joyful clapping of merry, primitive dancers, and the howling

of night winds contains a musical pleasantness which surpasses the highly

sustained rhapsodies of man-made organs. Lakes in high altitudes, holding within

their cup-like mountainous enclosures the watery wealth of surrounding glaciers,

treeless plateaus covered with rare varieties of grass, plants and flowers and

yawning chasms into whose dark, unfathomable interior, nature’s countless species

of animals and plants carry on their fight for existence, are attractions so powerful

and irresistible that no man or woman who is a member of a mountaineering party

or club can turn a deaf ear to their call. These widely scattered, ever-alluring

treasures of nature are the climber’s greatest inducement to wander with a hungry

heart in search of beauty, adventure and fame along the dangerous slopes of sky-

embracing heights.

Mountaineering is an awfully risky venture in the case of those

ambitious souls who are dreaming of conquering such majestic peaks as

Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Everest, and who wish to be ranked among the world’s

greatest climbers, Sir Edmund P.Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Dozens of

adventurers belonging to different nations with their hearts burning with a passion

to conquer the highest peak in the world perished in the immortal snows of the

Himalayas, after painfully inching their way to heights which were in close

proximity to the summit. Expedition after expedition turned back exhausted,

frostbitten , and utterly disappointed when the mighty Himalayas hurled icy winds,

snow storms and blizzards at those who try to conquer Everest, thus barring their

way to this pinnacle of glory. The bones of many men of unrealised ambition lie

buried in the glacial wilderness which is the home of the highest peak in the world.

Such awful setbacks, however, did not dampen the enthusiasm of succeeding

generations of mountaineers; the failure of early expeditions did not deter Colonel

Hunt and his brave companions from trying to plant on the summit the flag of the victory of human defiance of nature’s death dealing agents in high altitudes.

  1. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer these questions:

(a) Mountaineers are considered as heroes . Why? 1

(b) In what way does mountaineering become a source of knowledge? 2

(c) What are the beautiful sights which catch a mountaineer’s eye? 2

(d)Find words in the above passage which convey similar meaning as the

following: 3x1=3

(a) One who studies the science relating to the history and development

of the earth’s crust.

(b) Lasting through the year.

(c) A blinding storm of wind and snow.

(B). Read the poem given below and answer the questions:

A London Thoroughfare 2 A.M.

They have watered the street,

It shines in the glare of lamps,

Cold, white lamps,

And lies

Like a slow-moving river,

Barred with silver and black.

Cabs go down it,


And then another,

Between them I hear the shuffling of feet.

Tramps doze on the window-ledges,

Night-walkers pass along the sidewalks.

The city is squalid and sinister,

With the silver-barred street in the midst,

Slow moving,

A river leading nowhere.

Opposite my window,

The moon cuts,

Clear and round,

Through the plum-coloured night.

She cannot light the city.

It is too bright.

It has white lamps,

And glitters coldly.

I stand in the window and watch the moon.

She is thin and lusterless,

But I love her.

I know the moon,

And this is an alien city.

Amy Lowell

  1. Based on your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions:
    a) What is bright and glittering? 1
    b) What and who does the poet watch on the street? 2
    c) Pick out two colours the poet uses and what she uses them to describe. 2
  2. Fill in the blanks: 3x1=3
    a) The poet compares the street to _______.
    b) The moon cannot light the city because______.
  3. c) The time of the day the poet is looking at the city is______.

(C). Read the poem carefully and fill in the blanks:

Wandering Singers

Where the voice of the wind calls our wandering feet,

Through echoing forest and echoing street,

With lutes in our hands ever-singing we roam,

All men are our kindred, the world is our home.

Our lays are of cities whose lustre is shed,

The laughter and beauty of women long dead;

The sword of old battles, the crown of old kings,

And happy and simple and sorrowful things.

What hope shall we gather, what dreams shall we sow?

Where the wind calls our wandering footsteps we go.

No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait:

The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate.


(Sarojini Naidu)


Fill in the blanks and complete the summary of the poem: 8x 1⁄2=4

The poem is about a band of folk singers who wander through __________ and

echoing street to spread the message of love. To them all mankind are their

___________ and the ___________ is their home. They sing about the

lusterless cities, beautiful dead women, old battles, __________ of old kings

and happy and simple and sorrowful things. They have no ___________ to

gather and no ____________ to sow. They go wherever the ____________

calls them. They just depend on their ____________.

Writing (15)

  1. You are Mary, the secretary of ‘Good Samaritans Club’. You have witnessed many labourers unable to earn their living with the lockdown. Draft a notice to be sent to all the members to attend the meeting regarding fund collection to help the needy people. (4)
  2. Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Online learning’. (4)
  3. Write an article on the topic learning new skills in the midst of a pandemic. (7)

Grammar (15)

  1. Rewrite as directed in the bracket. (7)
    a. She grew up in ……….nineties.(use article)
    b. There isn’t …….milk left for our afternoon tea. (use quantifiers)
    c. The baby smiled at …….. on seeing……reflection in the mirror. (use reflexive pronouns)
    d. A child plays in the park.( identify the verb and state if it is finite or non finite)
    e. The ship sank suddenly. ( identify the verb and state if it is transitive or intransitive)
    f. Look at …….. mess .(use demonstrative)
    g. She plans……………………….a journalist after getting a degree in mass communication.
  2. Change the voice. (4)
    a. He told me the truth.
    b. We will be blamed by everyone.
    c. The cleaning crew dusts and vacuums the office every night.
    d. She has written a critically-acclaimed novel.
  3. Change the narration. (4)
    a. Riya said that she was flying to Mumbai the next day.
    b. The man said, ‘Alas! I am ruined’.
    c. The woman said to the boy, ‘please carry my bag’.
    d. The doctor said to Ravi,’quit smoking’.



Class 10           Science   30 marks.

A.Choose the correct answer 1 x 10 = 10

  1. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for
    a) nutrition b) respiration c) excretion                           d) transportation
  2. The xylem in plants are responsible for transport of
    a) water b) food c) amino acids                       d) oxygen
  3. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires
    a) carbon dioxide and water b) chlorophyll c) sunlight                   d) all of the above
  4. During respiration, exchange of gases takes place in
    a) trachea and larynx b) alveoli of lungs c) alveoli and throat           d) throat and larynx

5.Which of the following is a plant hormone?

a) Insulin b) Thyroxin c) Oestrogen                          d) Cytokinin

6.The hormone responsible for the growth of shoot is

a) Auxin b) Gibberellin                   c) Abscisic acid                      d) Cytokinin

7.The gap between two neurons is called a

a) Dendrite b) Synapse c) Axon                                 d) impulse

8.The brain is responsible for

  1. a) thinking b) Balancing the body c) regulating heart beat          d) all of the above


  1. The growth of a tendril in pea plants is due to
    a) effect of light b) effect of gravity   c) cell divisions        d) none of the above
  2. Posture and balance of the body is controlled by
    a) Cerebrum b) cerebellum c) medulla               d) none of the above


B. Short answer questions. 2 x 5 = 10

  1. How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?

2.What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food?

  1. What would be the consequences of deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?

4.What is the difference between reflex action and walking?

  1. What is the role of brain in reflex action?


C. Long answer questions. 5x 2 = 10

  1. Describe the digestive system in human beings with the help of a labelled diagram.
  2. Describe the function of a nephron with the help of a labelled diagram.



Class 10                                               Subject: Social Science

Total: 60 Marks

A. Multiple Choice Questions

  1. On which of the following rivers is the Hirakud dam constructed (1 Mark)
    a. Satluj
    b. Beas
    c. Mahanadi
    d, Narmada
  2. On which of the following rivers is the Nagarjuna Sagar dam constructed. (1 Mark)
    a. Krishna
    b. Satluj
    c. Kosi
    d, Damodar
  3. Which of the following is Liquid Fossil fuel? (1 Mark)
    a. Coal
    b. Petroleum
    c. Natural gas
    d. Electricity
  4. The gas supplied for use in households is called(1 Mark)
    a. CNG
    b. LPG
    c. GNP
    d. GDP
  5. Which of the following is a Rabi crop? (1 Mark)
    a. Millets
    b. Cotton
    c. Gram
    d. Rice

B. Very short Answer Questions.

6. Why is tea processed within tea gardens? (1 Mark)

7. What is Horticulture. (1 Mark)

8. Where is the largest solar power plant located in India? (1 Mark)

9. Define thermal Electricity. ( 1 Mark)

10. What is a spillway or weir? (1 Mark)
C. Short Answer Questions

11. What are renewable resources? (2 Marks)

12. Why are thermal power plants located near coalfields? (2 Marks)

13. What is crude oil? (2 Marks)

14. Name two main fibre crops of India. (2 Marks)

15. What is Zaid. (2 marks)

D. Long Answer Questions

16. Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous minerals. (4 Marks)

17. Distinguish between hydro-electricity and thermal electricity. (4 Marks)

18.Discuss the causes of land degradation. (6 Marks)

19. Mention any six institutional and technical reforms implemented by Indian government in agriculture. (6 Marks)







Class 10                           Tenyidie     FM – 60

SECTION –A (Kesi Mhaphrϋ)

  1. Thedzeu phrϋlie di ketsokebako kelashϋlie:

U Tenyimia ha puo kelhouzho kekra nu vithorkecϋ dze siya. U thuo u va kracϋlie moro khruocϋ menga ikecϋ keleu se di lhou vor. U Tenyimia kelhouzho keviko donu rei udzie mhatho hau rei meyie se. Tenyimia thiedzϋ pete rei liecie di teicie va telha ngulie di u va kracϋ vor. Sϋsie rei mia puopuo cϋ mhatho puo moro mha kekreipuo si phre morosuo idi lhou vor. Thenumia ro terheiterhie chϋ si moro mia donu thevie phiya. Kitiekinu vienya se morokesuoko dolieya. Thenumia rei thepfumia rei udzie mhatho kekreikreikecϋko shϋ si nyϋ kekie di therhu kra vor.

Thiedzϋ teiu mu tsie teiu mehoshϋ ro u kelhouzho ketherϋ phite. Tsie teiu pfhemenei, merhamerϋ jϋ rei raka ba ro mha pete raka pie khrϋlie vi mu sϋkemhie mha se morokesuo pete rei raka ba ro tsei zo ikecϋ kelepuo nu lhou bate, derei le menuoshϋ ro kitiekinu se morokesuo nyako kekra u thuo chϋlie vi ba zo. Kedipuo la sϋko nunu raka pevowaya ga? Udzie se mhachϋkecϋ ha dojϋ sede la morokesuo tei puo nu bate. U tei sϋ raka zo. Sϋla se kemethuo chϋwa suo. Tsie teiu nu udzie se mhachϋ si sa mo liro “Shϋphrϋramei” krakelie rϋbei se mhapuorei chϋlie kesuo tei puo vor u tso bate. Ukeleu mu u kelhou kereiba moketa geinu lhou kemezhie mu tsopfhϋ bataya. Sϋla thie u keleu vo rakau gei bata mo di u thuo u tei u zha se kedipuo mhie di lhou morosuo shikecϋ le phrekelie ha mha kevitho puo.

  1. U Tenyimia kedipuo keleu se di lhou vor ga? 1m
  2. Tenyimia kedipuo chϋ di u va kracϋ vor ga? 1m
  3. Thepfumia keprϋ pie kedipuo dolieya ga? 1m
  4. Thenumia mu thepfumia kicϋ puo geinu therhu kra vor ga? 1m
  5. We kedipuo chϋ sede la morosuo bate ga? 1m
  6. Thenumia kedipuo chϋ si moro thevie phiya ga? 1m
  7. “Shϋphrϋramei” hau puoca thushϋlie.                 1m
  8. U keleu bu kedipuo nu bar o kevitho ga? 2m
  9. Die hanie puo kepetsou-u thushϋlie: 2m
    i.Thiedzϋ ii) Kemezhie

SECTION – B (Thedze kezo)

  1. Hanie puo (1) kedapie dieca krie puo nunu krie di hiepengou (100-150) mese nunu thushϋlie.

    a.Noe State Library Kohima nu tsϋphrϋmia puo chϋketuo la leshϋ thupie daphrϋki kemeho-u tsϋ di kikemhie di chϋlieya shicϋ thedze morokesuoko ketsoshϋlie. 6m


b. Nieko leshϋki nu keshϋrho krotho-ue ‘No Tobacco Day’ ikecϋ mhathochie puo pebakelieu se leshϋki sewada nu shϋketuo la rϋkhruo mhathu puo thushϋlie. N leshϋki za ro woodland School.
3. Hanie puo (1) kedapie dieca hiepengou (50) mese nunu thushϋlie.
a. Noe n penuokelie teisozha va keresorou kerϋkra la thehe puo keseshϋtuoϋ kebau nu n zemiako bu vor nu phreikie puo thushϋlie. 4m


b. Khrietho kenie thedzeleshϋ kephrϋ puo kemeyie rϋchϋdie thushϋlie.

SECTION – C (Diezho mu thuyie)

  1. Die puotou-u kedapie thushϋlie:
    a. Nko kuolie mota ro …………… ?          1m

i)Kishi             ii) Kimhie        iii) kita      iv) kidi

b. Chϋketa dze puo pu petokuokecϋ. 1m
i) Puya ii) Puta           iii) Pute       iv) Puwate
c. Avinuo thenunuo kezevi yopuo. 1m
i) Dietso ii) Dieba     iii) Dieza     iv) Diepe
d. N diepu rϋnyϋ vi sewe. ‘We’ hau pfhephra kiu nu ba ga? 1m
i) kenie ii) se  iii) Dia    iv)   Pengou
e) No …………….. ga? 1m
i) suopuo ii) Suomia  iii) supuo  iv) sumia

5. Zatsekhu 5/9 hau diekhu nu kimhie di thuya ga? 1m

6. Dieca puokru tou-u pie rhiephi(-) kesedo thashϋlie. 2x1= 2m
a) ……………… kezevi phiya.
b) ………………… zuo merei ba.
7. Tenyidie nu ‘ia’ seyakecϋ kitsuo nyi ga? ‘ia’ seyakezhako thushϋlie? 2m
6. Hako thuyie chϋpie Tenyidie nu khashϋlie. 3x1=3
a.Please lend me 5 rupees.
b. What a blessing!
c. Love your neighbour.

SECTION – C (Diemvϋ)

  1. Diecako donu puotou-u kedashϋlie: 4x1=4
    a. Red cross la kehou kerietho-u nu mia kitsuo vor ϋsi ga?
    i. Mia dia    ii) mia kerethenieii.Mia mepfϋ   iv) mia kerekenie
    b. Kezise kicϋki puo penuolie ga?
    i. Khoutho ki ii) tsiacie ki

iii)Tshϋ thekelie zhϋ  iv)  thekeliede zhϋ       

c. Martin Luther King teicie kiu nu Noble Prize ngulie ga?
i. 1929 ii) 1964     iii) 1910   iv) 1935
d. No rϋ mo zo a rϋ kehou chϋ. ‘Mo’ hau puoca kedipuo ϋsi ga?
i. Lho ϋkecϋ ii) Mengata kemo

iii)Mhale kemo    iv)  Umo

 Ketsokecϋ hako dieca 20-25 mese nunu kelashϋlie:

  1. Kirapuo nu perayo khrϋlie ga? Kiϋdi perayo ma re sekuota ga? 2m
  2. Kiϋdi Keziu tshϋ tsia ngu re seta ga? Supuoe tshϋ khapie puo tsϋ ga? 2m
  3. Nie pie penuo geizo-u nu thepfu-u kedipuo chϋtuo di suomia bu puo geiwa ga? 2m
  4. Kekrapfϋ dziezhϋ shϋpie Luthur vϋkeshϋ nhie puo kedipuo le vorta ga? 2m
  5. Supuo puo ba khapie kekramia tsϋ mvϋta ga? Kedipuo la ga? 2m

Ketsokecϋ hako dieca 40-50 mese nunu kelashϋlie:

  1. Supuo tshϋ tsia pie Kezise tsϋshϋ ga? Keziu tshϋko kimhielie ϋsi ga? Kiϋdi Keziu tshϋ krie thekelie pu morosuota ga? 1+1+2=4
  2. “We mia pechϋkecϋ u medo mo. A nieko bu ngumvϋmia khriekecϋ a medo.”
  3. i) Pesotsa diecha hanie supuoe pu ga? 1m
  4. ii) Kiϋdi ngumvϋmia khriekecϋ a medo’ diecha hau pu ga? 1m

iii)Kiϋdi keteimia u mezhϋ pu Midam Riyam nu vo ga? 2m

  1. Ketho mu kevi sϋ kedipuo ga? Ketho mu kevi silieketuo la kikemhie nu pushϋ ga? 1+4=5


       Rϋtsolhouϋ la u ra vo khe

       La vo nyϋ rei u keliemia nie

       Seilei shϋ bohou kharϋ du

       Zhatshϋlie mu larϋ lho Vipfhe.

  1. Vipfhe sϋ supuo ga? 1m
  2. ‘Sei rϋlei shϋ’ puoca kedipuo ga? 1m3.
    Diecha hako vatshashϋlie.        3m


Class10   Subject FIT              Total marks: 60

 Choose the appropriate answer from the following. 1x10

1.Which term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the entire site?

a. URL b. website address
c. Hyperlink d. Domain name e. None of these

2.WWW means

a. World wide WAN b. World Wide Web c.World WAN Web  d. None of these
3.Services available on the internet include ........
i. Locating people using social networking sites
ii. Downloading and uploading files from or to remote sites

 iii. Forming groups and sharing views with like- minded people

 iv.Maintaining journals

  1. Playing community games

 a.i, ii,iii, iv    b.i, ii, iii, iv, v   c. i, iii, v     d. i, ii, iii, v

  1. A search engine is a program designed to search
    a. for information      b.  web pages
    c. Webpages for specified index terms
    d. Webpages for information using specified search terms
  2. Which of the following is not a social networking site?

a.Facebook     b.Linkedin

c.Instagram      d.Google

  1. A two way video phone conversation among the participants is called
    a. Video talking b. Chatting c. Video conferencing  d. None of these
  2. Which of the following networks has the largest geographical coverage?
    a. LAN b. MAN c. WAN  d. None of these
  3. The computers which are attached to the server are called .......
    a. Links b. Nodes c. LAN   d. None of these
  4. Data contains......
    a. Numbers b. Letters
    c. Special characters d. All of these
  5. Which of the following device is used to convert images to digital format?
    a. Printer b. Scanner
    c. Video card d. Headphones

Answer the following questions in about 10-20 words. 2x6

11.Whatis internet?



  1. What is a network?
  2. What are data?
  3. What is boolean logic? Name its logical operators?

Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words. 3x6

  1. Explain any three basic features of web browsers.
  2. Explain OR logic in detail.
  3. State three limitations of e- mail.
  4. What are twisted pair cables? Mention its features?
  5. Write the hardware requirements for animation?
  6. Briefly explain the use of protocols?

Answer the following questions in about 50-70 words.4x5

  1. What are the benefits of a network.
  2. Explainthethreebasicelementsofsearchengine.
  3. What are the advantages of E-shopping?
  4. Write advantages and disadvantages of LAN?

27.Explain the different types of data.


Class-10       Subject-EE

I.Objective type questions-

A.Multiple choice questions-(10×1=10)

1.The diseases caused in plants due to air pollution are-

a.chlorosis  b.necrosis   c.epinasty    d.all of the above.

2.Which of the following does not cause pollution of water?

a.ammonia    b.oxygen  c.chlorine   d.algae

3. Radiation pollution is not caused by -

a.x-rays   b.UV rays   c.infra-red rays   d.cosmic rays

4.Man-made  sources of radiation pollution are-

a.nuclear weapons 
b.cosmic rays from the sun
 c.radiations from unstable substances in the earth's crust
d.radiations from lithosphere

5.Tick the wrong statement-

a.A low sound is pleasant
b.a liud sound is unpleasant
c.sound level is expressed as weber m-2

d.noise pollution affects adversely our hearing ability.

6.Electricity being generated from nuclear source in india is to the extend of-

A.10%     b.20%     c.3%      d.15%

7.Forests are the lifeline of-

A.urban people     b.semi-urban people
c.rural people       d.tribal people.

8.Oxone layer is caused by

A.hydrocarbons      b.chlorofluorocarbons
c.ethers      d.aldehydes

9.A layer if ozone is found in upper atmosphere beyween ………..from the earth

A.15-35 km     b.5-10 km      c.10-15 km     d.50-60 km

10.Rain water get acidic due to the formation of

A.acetic acid     b.oxalic acid
 c.carbonic acid      d.nome of these.

B.Very short answer questions-(10×1=10)

Q1.Define water pollution.

Q2.what do you mean by oil spill.

Q3.Name some organic pollutants.

Q4.where were first and second atomic bombs exploded?

Q5.Define noise.

Q6.Name some chemicals which reduce the fertility of the soil drastically.

Q7.which plant promises to produce bio fuel.

Q8.Define global warming.

Q9.what is troposphere?

Q10.Define acid rain.

C.Short answer questions-(10×2=20)

Q1.write short notes on :gaseous and particulate matter.

Q2.what is eutrophication? what are it's disadvantages?

Q3.write a short note on E-waste.

Q4.Give any four measures to control soil pollution.

Q5.List three sources if noise pollution.

Q6.List some strategies that the government is following to combat acute shortage of energy.

Q7.Write a short note on Jatropha plant.

Q8.Describe three harmful effects of acid rain.

Q9.How are CO2 and CH4 produced? How do they cause greenhouse effect?

Q10.Write a short note on chlorofluorocarbons.

D.Long answer questions-(4×5=20)

Q1.Write a note on resettlement and rehabilitation of people.

Q2.What is meant by the ozone layer depletion? What are the preventive measures to control ozone depletion?

Q3.Name any three man-made activities that cause pollution of air. Describe one of them.

Q4.Write notes on-

A. Water logging

B. Half-life period.






Posted : 29 June 2021 7:27 PM