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Class 3 3rd Assignment 2021

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Class 3                              English    Fm 20


Q1. Write the poem “ The Swing “ and “Betty at the Party”

Q2.  Write a short paragraph on how you spent your summer vacation and what are the new things you have learnt during your summer vacation.

Q3.  Write the meaning of the following words:

  1. Pleasantest
  2. Countryside
  3. Sniffed
  4. Verandah
  5. Fluffed up his fur
  6. Explore
  7. Nursery
  8. Restless
  9. Companion
  10. Bloodhound


Class – 3                     Subject- Grammar

Name: _______________________      Roll no. _________

Fill in the blanks (10 Marks)

  1. A person who mends our shoes is called a _____________________
  2. A person who stitches clothes for us is called a _____________________
  3. A person who paints our house is called a _____________________
  4. A person who teaches us is called a _____________________
  5. A person who looks after a patient is called a _____________________
  6. A person who cuts our hair is called a _____________________
  7. A person who brings us milk is called a _____________________
  8. A person who makes things from wood is called a _____________________
  9. A person who brings us letters is called a _____________________
  10. A person who fixes the pipes is called a _____________________

Write the plural of these Nouns: (10 marks)

  1. Office _____________________
  2. Flower _____________________
  3. Glass _____________________
  4. Wish _____________________
  5. Hero _____________________
  6. Diary _____________________
  7. Loaf _____________________
  8. Goose _____________________
  9. Ox _____________________
  10. Foot _____________________


   Class 3                    Mathematics        Full mark : 20

Name: ______________ Roll no:____

1.Write in the short form .

a) 2000 + 100 + 30 + 2=

b) 60O0+ 0 + 10+ 3 =

c) 4000 + 500 + 30+ 5 =

d) 8000 + 200 + 0 + 5 =

e) 3000 + 700 + 70+ 8 =

  1. Mr Ganesan bought 400 bulbs, 260 red bulbs and 125 yellow bulbs on Diwali. How many bulbs did he buy altogether?
  2. A milk van was carrying 4235 packets of toned milk and 1260 packets of flavoured milk. How many packets was it carrying altogether?
  3. A florist bought 1240 pink roses, 1135 yellow roses and 1510 white roses. How many roses did he buy in total?
  4. Susan and Raj reached the finals of a music contest. Susan got 6278 votes and won by 155 votes. How many votes did Raj get?
  5. A baker has to bake 2850 cup cakes. If he had baked 1320 cakes, how many more does he have to bake.      *********************************

 Class 3                 Science                  FM 20

Name____________________ Roll no____________

Answer the following question

1 How can we avoid injuries?(2m)


  1. What should we use to cross the road safely (2m)


  1. What is first aid?(2m)


  1. How to help a person with cuts and wounds(3m)


5.Name any three features of a good house (3m)


  1. Why should doors and windows have wire netting (2m)


  1. What do clothes protect us from (4m)


  1. What kind of clothes do we wear in summer? (2m)



Class:3                           Subject: Social Studies

Name:__________________    Roll no:____

A. Fill in the blanks.

1.The capital of India is_______________.

2.Our country is divided into small parts called__________.

  1. The Indian Ocean lies to the________of India.
  2. India is the ________ largest country in the world.
  3. The Union Territories are governed by the __________.

B. Match the states with their capitals.

           A                                    B

  1. Assam                       a.Imphal

     2.Manipur                        b.Shilong

  1. Mizoram                    c. Itanagar
  2. Meghalaya                 d.  Dispur
  3. Arunachal Pradesh     e. Aizawl

C. Draw the map of India and label the following states.

  1. Nagaland 2. Rajasthan   3.Jharkhand  4. Goa

        5.Himachal Pradesh    6. Kerala


Class-3             Alternative English                          20 marks       

Name __________________   Roll no: _____

A. Answer these questions.

  1. What did Nyame instruct Anansi to do?


  1. Where did he decide to hide his pot of wisdom? What preparation did he make for this?


  1. When ordered, what did Anansi not do? Why?


  1. What did Rikki- Tikki- Tavi look like?


  1. How did Rikki burn his nose?


B. Write the correct verb in the sentence below.

  1. Rikki –Tikki- Tavi ___________ through the long grass.
  2. He was ____________ out of his burrow by a flood.
  3. He _______________ to a wisp of grass.
  4. Teddy’s family ___________ him into their house.
  5. They ____________ him in a cotton wool.
  6. Rikki-Tikki ___________ Teddy under the chin.
    C. Write the word meaning of –
    1. Bumping ____________________
    2. Suggestion ____________________
    3. Fluff up _______________________
    4. Scuttled _____________________


Class 3                        Tenyidie                                       (20marks)

  1. Nagaland nu Yietse keresorouko (16) za thushülie. (2marks)
  2. Diechako puotou mu puotou mo ikecü thushülie. (5marks)
    a) Tso-u Khurhüu gei puo nei mota .
    b) Chiekru-ue rücüu bie perhushüshü ba.

c)Tso-u ki kezhamia morei puo ze ketoukecümia rübei dzüu bie pekrielie kevi zo.
d) Chiekru-ue puo mie pie Khurhüu zeshü.
e) Tso-u Khurhüu mie ngushü di michieta.

  1. Puoca puotou kebako nu zasi hau ( ) khashülie. (5marks)

1) Rücü

a) kerü kecü (    )

 b)rüzie               (    )

c) dzükhou (    )

2. Dzükrie

a) kecieki (    )

b) rünyo pie dzü bie perhu (    )

c) dzüsa (    )

3. Kekuo

a) kuo/metei (    )

b) zivi (    )

c) puomie kejü khunuo (    )

4. Kede

a) unou meyie (    )

b) merü (    )

c) kero (    )

5. Thanhya

a) thavi (     )

b) thakhie ( )

c) thasuo (      )

4. ‘Tso Puo mu Chiekru Puo Dze Nagamia Dzeyie’ hau dze nunu diecha puopuo thushülie. ( 3marks)

a) Thedze puo sedeu :

b) Thedze puo metsuou :

c) Thedze puo thelau :

5. N seyie nu pfhenei n kenei puo rhishü di puo za thushülie. (5marks)

        (Thepfuko thepfumia pfhenei rhilie mu thenuko thenumia pfhenei rhilie)


CLASS:3      SUBJECT:AO.      F.M.20.

A. Item tasüngdangbatem langzüang.

  1. Meyi mapang anogo aser aonung kechisa ataloker?
  2. Tsüngküm mapang anogo aser aonung kechisa ataloker?
  3. Mangkonang mapang süngoliotem kechisa ataloker?
  4. Nagaland state kodang tentet?
  5. Nagaland nung kin kwi lir?
  6. Nagaland nung district terka tenüng shiang?

B. Tazüng alidakji süngdakjang.

  1. Nagaland rangben tasazükji ______ lir.
  2. 2011 census ajanga Nagalima nung netsüng yongsük ajak agi _____ lir.
  3. 2011 census ajanga Nagalima nung Literacy rateji ______.

Temetettsü: Item teinyaktsü ajak A4 size paper nung züluang.


Class-3                               FIT                     Full Mark: 20

NAME: ___________________   ROLL NO.________

  1. What is taskbar? Write the different sections of taskbar.
  2. Mention the four buttons present in title bar
  3. Write the components of a Notepad Window.


Class 3                                    General Knowledge


Q1. Draw the Solar System.

Q2.  Write two animals each that live on land,  water, tress and inside the earth.

Q3.  Name five birds that can fly and five birds that cannot fly.

Q4. Draw the map of India.


Class: 3                Sub: Time Table                                    Marks : 20

Name : ___________________ Roll No. : ________     

  1. Write in Roman numerals.

1=                                11 =

2 =                               12=

3 =                               13 =

4 =                               14 =

5 =                               15 =

6 =                               16 =

7 =                               17 =

8 =                               18 =

9 =                               19 =

10 =                             20 =


30 =

40 =

50 =


70 =

80 =

90 =

100 =

200 =

300 =

400 =


Class: 3                Sub: Drawing/ Handwriting                               Marks:20  

Name:____________________   Roll no._______

  1. Draw an elephant and colour it. (10)


  1. Look and write 10 times in cursive handwriting. (10)


‘  A poor workman always blames his tools   '

Posted : 29 June 2021 1:45 PM