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Class 9 1st Model Test 2021

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First Model Test

Class-9                        English                       FM 40

A). Answer these questions.

1). Why was Dr. T. Ao given the title of a barefooted Genius? 3

2). What does the world of the poet's dreams look like? 2

3). What were the mother's feelings before the birth of the poet? 2

4). What kind of man was Ebenezer Scrooge? What were his views on Christmas? 3

5). What was the change that came over in Scrooge's nature after the visitations from the three ghosts? How did he make up for his mean behaviour? 5

6). Why was Persome angry with the Bishop? 3


B). Write a letter to your brother giving him some tips on how to prepare for his examination. 7

C). Write a paragraph describing a motor car accident that you have witnessed. 5

D). You are a Principal of a school. Write a notice to inform the staff and students about the Annual Tree
      Plantation Event to be held at the Central Park of the locality where the school is situated. 5

E). Based on the visual data input given below, write on “Junk food – a health hazard” in about 120 – 150








Class 9      Science

Answer the following questions  5 X 6 = 30

  1. Draw a brief outline on the classification of plants.
  2. Draw a brief outline on the classification of animals.
  3. Differentiate between monocots and dicots.
  4. Differentiate between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
  5. Write the characteristics of kingdom monera.
  6. Write the characteristics of kingdom fungi


Class 9      Social Science      Total=30 marks


Q1. Discuss the four main sections of the Himalayas in an east-west direction? 4m

Q2. What do you know about :(2×3=6)m

  1. i) the Northern plains and ii) the Deccan Plateau iii) the Thar Desert

Q3. Write about the characteristic features of hot weather season and cold weather season in India. 5m

Q4. Discuss the features of the 'Retreating Monsoons'. 5m

Q5. Discuss the monsoon season in India. 5m

Q6. Explain how the upper air circulation operates as a factor influencing climate of India. 5m

(Rest 20 marks will be evaluated through online test)


Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given: 10m


  1. The author A G Gardner assumes that we may be as free as we like in


a. Public places where no one sees him
b. Matters which does not interfere with the liberty of others.
c. Anything that is not against the law.
d. Our own homes.

  1. Who would think if he did not interfere with me, he would not interfere with no one when the traffic stops his car in the middle of a busy street?
    a. A reasonable person    b) An arrogant person
    c. A humble person         d) An honest person


  1. Why were the two orphans fed in turns by their relatives?
    a. It was customary among the Chakhesang Nagas.
    b. They promised their parents that they would feed them.
    c. The orphans begged to be fed
    d. The village chief told them to do so
  2. Why couldn’t the two orphans think rationally?
    a. They were too scared
    b. They wanted to follow the ogre so much
    c. They were tired of trapping birds and animals for their living
    d. They were under the ogress magical charm


  1. Which of the following is the first among the four proven steps to work towards Achievement?
    a. Have an aim in life before the age of twenty
    b. Learn to persevere against all odds
    c. Attend a good educational institution
    d. Take lots of private tuition


  1. Who among the following was a famous Mathematician though he did not have formal higher education?
    a. Chandrasekhar Subramanian   b) CV Raman
    c. SrinivasaRamunajan               d) Abdul Kalam


  1. What was seen moving rapidly in the sky one early morning in Central Siberia?
    a. A black cloud b) A great lightning
    c. A shooting star d) A giant fireball
  2. What seems to have been the cause of the Tunguska Event?
    a. A chunk of Comet Encke
    b. A hurtling antimatter
    c. A mini black hole passing through the earth in Siberia
    d. Firework display


  1. Who is telling the story of Hans and Hugh in, ‘The Devoted Friend’?
    a. A young man                   b) A bird
    c. An unnamed narrator     d) A rat
  2. How is the miller affected by Hans’ death in ‘The Devoted Friend’?
    a. He blames himself for his death
    b) He is not remorseful at all

         c)He is devastated and remorseful 
 d) He promises to become a better man.


2.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

     Success in life depends on good health. Keep your body fit and by cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and suitable recreations, make yourself strong to face challenges and obstacles. Believe in yourself, never give up and be confident in whatever you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you may face will make you more determined to achieve your aims and to win against all odds.

         Avoid anything that will ruin your life. Smoking is harmful to the body and clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things and beware of alcohol and drugs. It is a deadly enemy of health and efficiency.

          Above all, remember that your character is a priceless possession, therefore, keep it pure. Be thoughtful in all things courteous to everybody, fair to your rivals, kind and helpful to all who are weak and poor, and do not be afraid to stand up for what is good and noble.

In your leisure hours, avoid mere idling. Fill such hours with interesting hobbies and make good use of the time, which will have a beneficial influence in your life.

  1. On what does success in life depend? 1
  2. How are we to maintain good health? 2
  3. What is the effect of smoking? 1
  4. What is our priceless possession?                          1


  1. Read the poem and answer the question that follow:

         A fairy went a marketing

          She bought a coloured bird;

          It sang the sweetest, shrillest song

          That ever she had heard.

           She sat beside it’s pointed cage

            And listened half the day,

            And then she opened wide the door

              And let it fly away.

             She bought a gentle mouse

             To take her tiny messages,

              To keep her tiny house

               All day she kept its busy feet

                Pit-patting  to and fro,

                And then she kisssed it’s silken ears,

                Thanked it, and let it go.

  1. What kind of a bird did the fairy buy? 1
  2. What did the bird do? 1
  3. What did the fairy do to the bird? 1
  4. Why did the fairy buy a mouse? 1
  5. How did the fairy show she like the mouse? 1

Answer the following questions.                    30m

1.why did the old lady think she was entitled to walk down the middle of the road?    2

  1. What led the two orphans to start living independently? 2
  2. How did CV Raman fit into Kalam’s list of unique achievers? 2

4 . How did the Miller persuade Hans to carry his sack of flour to the market? 2

  1. Why doesn’t the happy man need any other armour of protection? 2
  2. Why didn’t the mother over question her son’s lifestyle in the poem, ‘ Mothers Tears? 2
  3. How did God answer to the little Child’s prayers? 2
  4. Why did jester refuse to leave Ivan’s place? 2
  5. What did science do to the Naiads? 2

10.Why did none of the fools in Ivan’s kingdom refuse to become soldiers though the Devil forced them?   4

11.How did the Ogress convince her husband to wait until ‘D’ day?       4

  1. What is the myth about Diana? What did science do to this myth? 4



Class-9                                Subject-Tenyidie

Ketsokeshüko kelashülie.

K1. Captain Butler Pfhünuomia dze kedipuo pu ga?                       2

K2. Roviu mu supuo unie chügei pu kemejülie vi ütuoya ga?        2

K3.Roviu puo chütsüko mechüpie kirapuo zhaya üsi ga?              2

K4. Rüvemiako Pfhünuora vo ro kedipuo mehoshü mo di lata ro rünoukemo mhie tuoya üsi  ga?         2

K5. Sanyühu-e supuo ga?                                 2

K6.Roviu pfu-e  peramieko pie kedipuo chülieya ga?                     2

K7. Lougakrü za ketho-u thushülie. Kedipuo la puo üse Lougakrü üdi kieta ga?                    2

K8.U melou kesuomia va kitsuo siaya ga?             2

K9. Lougakrüe kedipuo la mia ze kekhogeimeükecü chüya mo ga?                          2

K10. Kiüdi Lougakrü-nuo ramiako Tekhu geilie re bata

 üdi pu ga?                                             2

K11. Lougakrü-nuo ramiako Tekhu-u geilieketuo la

 Mhalelie-e kedipuo rhüshü ga?                    2

K12. "Avu rei tuoücü kenie ho. Nuo si yopuo tele pie avu vie

 chü ru puo khrie pesuowate"

  1. a) "Nuo si" hau supuo pu ba ga? 1
  2. b) Supuo die hau pu mu kedipuo la ga? 2

K13. Kedipuo la Roviu khunhiepuo kinu vor zita ga?                       2

K14. Roviu michie di takecü dze thushülie.                 4

K15. Themou-ue kedipuo la themiako Tekhuu geilie mo bata üdi pu ga?                            4

K16.Lougakrü mu puo kimia unie kirapuo nu themou rüsa ga? Themou-u Lougakrü thuophishü di kedipuo pu ga?                        4

K17. "Terhuomia sie n rüsuorüsu kenyü rei, thie a ngumezhieyi, thie a ruo a ze kemo teiso puo teluo ha, a tuoi cünie mha kela chüliete ho"

  1. a) Supuo die hau pu mu supuo ki pu ga? 2
  2. b) Kedipuo la die hau puta ga? 2


K18. 'Keliya zolie' icü geizo hau nu themia kedipuo la u nou rüülieya mo ga? Kimhie di u nou rüülie vi ga?                                 2

K19. "Kesia prei hie lhou mezhüya ro       5

Kejü prei hie lhou puotouya ro,

Teirako thuo u va ngulieya,

N kelhou we vi krie puo luo mu."

a) Diecha hako geizo kiu nunu se par ga?
b) Kepenuozha nhie ki rei kedipuo vikuo üsi ga?
c) U bu kedipuo le unou mezhie morei vi üdi pu ga?
d) U kelhoue kedipuo ki rei vikuo üdi ükezopfüe pu ga?
e) We kedipuo chüya liro mhakipuorei tsopfhütalie lho üsi ga?






A.Multiple choice questions-(5×1=5)


1.The percentage of oxygen in air is approximately

a.80%  b.20%  c.10%  d.1%

2.The metal which is good conductor of heat and electricity is

a.Nitrogen and oxygen b.oxygen and carbon dioxide  c.carbon dioxide and water  d.oxygen and water

3.Which of the following is a polluting fuel?

a.Hydel fuel  b.Firewood  c.Wind power energy.

4.Maximum amount if water is consumed in

a.irrigation              b.drinking  c.washing clothes

5.In the face of depleting resources,economic growth is slackening in

a.developing countries    b.developed countries  c.both a and b  d.none of the above

B.Very short answer questions-(5×2=10)

Q1.What is meant by precipitation?

Q2.Define fossil fuel.

Q3.What is drip irrigation?

Q4.Write the impacts of resource depletion.

Q5.What are the important causes of depletion?

C.Short answer questions-(5×3=15)

Q1.Write a note on biotic and abiotic resources. Give examples.

Q2.List some important uses of water.

Q3.Classify the three types of water resources.

Q4.Write a note on technical and industrial development.

Q5.Give an account on slackening of economic growth.

D.Long answer questions-(4×5=20)

Q1.Write the important functions of air.

Q2.Write a paragraph on conventional and non conventional fuel.

Q3.Write notes on overuse and irrational use.

Q4.Explain the imbalance in nature.



Posted : 23 August 2021 4:53 PM