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Class 1

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  1. Assignment due date:

Class A to 3- 27th May 2021

Class 4 to 8 – 28th May 2021

  1. Assignment should be submitted on time. Late submission will not be accepted.
  2. Each class will submit their assignment to their class teacher in their own class room.
  3. Social distancing and wearing mask is mandatory when entering the school.


2nd Assignment 2021

Class – 1                                               

English                                           Marks:20

Name:___________________________________________           Roll ____________

I. Tick the odd word in each set (3marks)
1. School     Pool       Cool         Eat
2. Best       Test         Home      Rest
3. Chair       Sit           Hair        Fair
II. Match these words with their opposites (6 marks)
a. Good         1. curly
b. Tall            2. light
c. Straight     3. short
d. Come        4. less
e. Heavy       5. go
f. More          6. bad

III.   Name these things (6 marks)

  1. I tell you the time                       ________________________
  2. I carry your books to school ________________________
  3. You write with me ________________________
  4. You enjoy my cool breeze in summer ________________________
  5. I take you to school ________________________
  6. You wear me on your feet ________________________
  7. Fill in the blanks with I am or You are (5 marks)
  8. My name is Nina. ________________________six years old.
  9. Your name is Tia. ________________________my friend.
  10. May I have some cake, please?
  11. I have a test today.
  12. ________________________my friend. You help me study.


Class – 1                                               

Grammar                                                     Marks:20

Name:___________________________________________           Roll ____________

I. Circle the naming words: (6 marks)

  1. The baby is playing with a balloon.
  2. The monkey is wearing a cap.
  3. The cow gives us milk.
  4. Father is writing a letter.
  5. The gardener is watering the plants.
  6. The bear climbed up the tree.

II.Fill in the blanks by adding –s or –es to the meaning words. (7marks)Rose       ______________

  1. Girl ______________
  2. Book ______________
  3. Car ______________
  4. fox _____________
  5. bush ______________
  6. dress ______________

III. Match the following: (7 marks)

            He- group        She- group

  1. Sir                     (a) aunt
  2. God                  (b) niece
  3. uncle                (c) madam

      4 . prince              (d) peahen

  1. nephew            (e) mare
  2. peacock           (f) goddess
  3. horse                 (g) princess


Class 1                                                Mathematics                                                   Full mark : 20

Name :

Class :

Roll no :

1.Write what comes before and after.(5 marks)

a) ______36 _________
b) ______19______
c) ______40_______

d)_______31            .

e) _______59______

2. Tick the smallest number and circle the largest number. (5marks)

a) 7     5       12       11

b) 50   37     28       8

c) 33   43     34      23

d) 5     2       9       6

e) 16   12      19     15

3.Add. (5 marks)
 a)    2            b)  1  2                c)     1  1

   + 6                +    4                      +   5


d)     1 0                   e)  1  5

    +    3                       +   2

4. Subtract. (5 marks)
a)    8          b)  1 5                 c) 1  9

   - 3                   4                   -     5


d)     1 3              e)  9

    -     3                 - 7




Name:__________________________________ Rollno:_______________

A. Tick (√) the correct answer.

  1. Living things need_______to breathe.
    a. Mud b. air c. water  d.cake
  2. A book,pencil and eraser is an example of
    a. Living things b.Non-living things c.Animals  d.Trees
  3. Which of these can living things do?
    a.Grow   b.Feel  c. Reproduce  d.All of these

B.Read the words in the box below. Think about whether they are living things or non-living Things. Write the words in the proper columns.

{ Tent, Piglet, Mouse, Berry, Glass,Lady, Television, Soap,Marker, Horse, Needle, Dog, Grass, Pencil, Tree}


Living Things

Non-living Things

















C. Name the different parts of a plant.

D. Draw any two non-living things that you use at home.



Social Studies

Name:_____________________________ Roll no:_______________

A.Circle  the correct words.

1.Clothes make us look smart / ugly.
2. We get wool from sheep / goat.
3. We wear cotton / woollen clothes in summer.
4. Raincoat protects us from getting wet/ dry.
5. We use an umbrella during rainy/ winter season.

B. Write 'good'or 'bad'.
1. Brushing teeth twice a day. __________________
2. We should not wash hands before eating. ________________
3. Taking bath everyday. ____________________
4. Waking up early in the morning. _____________________
5. Going to bed late at night. ______________________

C. How do you keep clean and healthy?

Helpbox{ toothpaste, comb, shampoo,saop, toothbrush }

1. I wash my hair with________________________________.
2. I use a _________________________ and __________________________ to clean my teeth.
3. I wash my hands and body with__________________________________.
4. I keep my hair tidy with a_________________________________
D. Draw your favorite clothes you would like to wear and colour them.



Alternative English  20marks                               

Name ___________________________                                  Roll no:_______________

A. Answer these questions. (2x5=10)
1. How many friends went for a walk?
2. Who jumped into the stream?
3. Name the three friends in the story?
4. What do they do in the park?
5. Why did the frog laughed at the others?
B. Fill in the missing letters. (1x3=3)
1. WA_____L____
2. THR____A____
3. STR____A_____
C. Fill in the blanks with a or an. (1x4=4)
1. ______ dinosaur
2. _____ umbrella
3. _____ girl
4. _____ box

D. Rearrange the letters to get the names of the animals. (1X3=3)

  1. SEMOU _________________
  2. CKICH _________________
  3. NAT __________________


Class -1                                   

Tenyidie                   (20 marks)

Name:________________________  Roll no _____

Ketsokeshüko kelashülie :

K1. Mhaphrükhu 1-20 ketso diekhu nunu thushülie.

Kl.     1-                                           11-   

          2-                                          12-

          3-                                          13-

          4-                                          14-

          5-                                           15-                     

          6-                                          16-                             

          7-                                          17-      

          8-                                         18-                                   

          9-                                          19-

         10-                                         20-

K2. Neinuo khinhiepuo pfhe menyiya ga?

K3. Neinuo khinhiepuo vo mhakhrüya ga?

K4. Neinuo khinhiepuo pfhe terhüya ga?

K5. Neinuo khinhiepuo ki chü kemesaya ga?

K6. Neinuo khinhiepuo pfhe nyoya ga?

K7. Neinuo khinhiepuo tezie nu mha chüya ga?

K8. Neinuo khinhiepuo rüleilieya ga?



FIT                                          Full Mark: 20


NAME: ___________________________ ROLL NO.____________________

  1. Ask your parents how they use computers. Write the uses in the blank given below;
  2. My mother uses a computer for _
  3. My father uses a computer for
  4. Write five uses of computers:



General Knowledge

Name:_________________________________                      Rollno:________________

  1. Read the words in the box below and write it in the proper columns.

{ Umbrella, Coffee and Tea, Cold Drinks, Gloves, Raincoat, Cooler, Snowman, Heater, Ice-cream, Gumboots, Fan, Flowers}.



Rainy Season


















2. Match the following.
1. A policeman        a.Takes care of the garden.
2. A tailor                  b. Mends our shoes.
3. A gardener           c. Catches thieves.
4. A postman           d. Brings us letters.

5. A cobbler              e. Stitches clothes.

3. Fill in the missing letters.
1. S___nd_____y.
2. M_____r______h.


4. Fr________d________y.

4. Name the following.

1. National fruit of India__________________.
2. National animal of India________________.
3. National flower of India_________________.
4. National tree of India___________________.
5. National river of India__________________.


Class: 1                                           

Drawing/ Handwriting                               Marks:20  

Name:____________________   Roll no._______


1. Draw a tortoise and colour it. (10)
2. Look and write 10 times in cursive writing (10)

    Life is not a bed of roses


Class: 1         

Time Table                                  Marks:20  

Name:____________________   Roll no._______

  1. Write the multiplication table of 2,3,4 and 5


Posted : 18 May 2021 8:42 AM