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Class 2

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  1. Assignment due date:

Class A to 3- 27th May 2021

Class 4 to 8 – 28th May 2021

  1. Assignment should be submitted on time. Late submission will not be accepted.
  2. Each class will submit their assignment to their class teacher in their own class room.
  3. Social distancing and wearing mask is mandatory when entering the school.


2nd Assignment , 2021

Class- 2                                                                     


Name ________________________

Q1. Match the words with their meanings.

Word.                          Meaning

1. Wandered .                   a. Ran away
2. Timid                             b.  Looked carefully
3. Looked up and down  c. Roamed about

4. Fledd                             d.shy

Q2. Fill in the blanks with plural forms of nouns given in the brackets.

  1. The __________ were waiting for the bus. (boy)
  2. I have three pet __________ . (dog)
  3. We picked ten __________ from the garden. (rose)
  4. There are too many __________ on the road. (bus)
  5. Dev has four painting __________. (brush)

Q3. Match these words with their opposites.

     Word                    Opposite

a. Poor                       a. Truth
b. Lie                          b.  Cruel
c.  Kind                      c. Unhappy 

d.  Delighted             d. Disappeared
e. Appeared              e. Rich

Q4.  Fill in the blanks with the action word given below.

  Eating , crossing , going , making,  talking,  waiting

  1. I am ___________ breakfast.
  2. Pinocchio is __________to school.
  3. Hari is ___________ the road.
  4. Gepetto is ___________ a new toy.
  5. The fairy is _____________ to Pinocchio.
  6. I am ___________ for a friend. 



  Class – 2                                      

  Grammar                                   Marks:20                                

Name: _______________________    Roll:  __________

A. Write five common names. (5 marks)

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________
  6. B. Write five special names. (5marks)
  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________
    C. Add-s or –es to make them many: (5 marks)
  1. Wall ­­­­­_____________________
  2. Bush ­­­­­_____________________
  3. Tomato ­­­­­_____________________
  4. Kite ­­­­­_____________________
  5. Nurse ­­­­­_____________________

D. Change –f or –fe to –ves. And change –y to –ies to make them many: (5 marks)

  1. Knife ­­­­­_________________
  2. Leaf __________________
  3. Thief __________________
  4. Baby   __________________
  5. Lady __________________


 Class 2                                              

Mathematics                                                                   Full mark : 20

Name :

Class :

Roll no :

1.Fill in.                                                                           ( 6 marks)

a) The number after 39 is ._______
b) The number before 61 is ._______
c)_______ is between 19 and 21.

d) 97 is between 96 and .______

e) The number after ________is 43
f) ________ is between 98 and 100.

2. Write in ascending order. ( 3 marks)

  1. a) 15   12     2       22      13


  1. b) 45     53     75       48    69


  1. c) 26      34     66       21      19


3. Write descending order. (3 marks)
a) 32    24     56      78       26


b) 17      21     37      59       83


c) 68        79      32         20       72


4. Write in the short form. ( 4 marks)
a) 30 + 8 =
b) 70 + 7 =
c) 90 + 5 =
d) 60 + 6 =
5. Write in the long form. ( 4 marks)
a) 51 =
b) 26 =
c) 35 =
d) 17 =


Class: 2                                                          


 Name:___________________                                                Roll no,:________

 Fill in the blanks. 1x5=5

       1.We get most of our foods from_______

  1. We get fruits and vegetables from ________
  2. Some _______________are ground to make flour.
  3. _______________are found inside pods
  4. We get fibres such as___________ from plants.

2. Give two examples for each of the following. 2x5=10

  1. Animals that give us milk



  1. Animals that give us eggs



  1. Animals that give us meat



  1. Animals that give us leather



  1. Animals that carry loads for us.



Answer the following questions in one word.1x5=5

Q1, What is the framework of bones in our body is called??

Q2, What are animals that live in the forest called?

Q3. What are animals that live in our homes called?

Q4.What is usually a dried seed, fruit, root or bark that gives flavour to food??

Q5. What types of plants make their own food?



 Social Studies


Roll no.:________________

1. Look at the first letter and complete the word in each sentences.

a. Clothes P______________________ us from heat, cold and rain.

b. We wear C____________________ clothes in summer.

c. Woollen clothes keep us W__________________.

d. We use R_______________________ and U________________________ when it rains.

2. Put a tick(√) against the correct sentences and (×) against the wrong ones.

a. Dirty water contains germs. __________
b. We should drink dirty water.__________
c. Some plants do not need water.__________
d. Water is used for cooking food.___________

e. Rain is the main source of water.__________

3. Match the following.

1.Police           a.Summer
2. Sheep          b. Uniform
3. Raincoat     c. Wool
4. Cotton         d. Rain

4. Write four uses of water.

5. Draw and colour the pictures.

a. Umbrella and Raincoat.

b.Hand gloves and Socks.

c. Skirt and t-shirt.



Alternative English                    20marks                        

Name __________________________                                  Roll no: __________

Answer these questions. (2x5=10)

  1. How many chicks went for a walk?
  2. Why did the chicks think that hens and chicks were the only creatures in the world?
  3. Who was Pippo? Why did he need to learn a lesson?
  4. Was he really awake and seeing dinosaurs? How do you know?
  5. Which three animals did the chicks meet on their walk?
    B. Fill in the blanks to complete the names of the relatives. (1X3=3)
    b.N__ ___C__
    c. N__PH__W
    C. Add –y or –ly to words to get new words. (1x4=4)
    a. Grass______________
    b. Angry _____________
    c. Strange _________________
    d. Free __________________
    D. Say whether these sentences are true or false.(1x3=3)
    a. Pippo was always a gentle and kind boy. _______
    b. Pippo had a sister whom he enjoyed scaring. ______
    c. A tyrannosaurus thought Pippo would be a tasty snack. ________


Class – 2                                                         Tenyidie

Full mark - 20.

  1. Ki (house) puo rhilie di Kitsϋ, Mikhoupou, Sozha, Kikha, Keziekou hako thashϋlie. 15 marks
  2. No rhipie keba kiu (house) meho di kithonya kedipuopuo seya shiϋ thushϋlie. 5marks



FIT                                          Full Mark: 20

NAME: _____________________ ROLL NO._________

  1. Write five uses of computers at home:
  2. Write five uses of computers in schools:
  3. Write the four steps to start a computer:


Class- 2                  G.K.                   Total- 20 marks

Name: ____________________       Roll no._______

 Q 1. Write five(5) names of season.


Q 2. Write any five(5) fruits name.


Q 3. Find its colours.

V- _________________________

I- __________________________

B- _________________________

G- _________________________

Y- _________________________

O- _________________________

R- _________________________

Q 4. Fill in the blanks:-

  1. _______________ hours make a day.
  2. _______________ days make a week.
  3. _______________ days make a year
  4. February has ____________ days.
  5. January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have __________ days.


Class: 2                Sub: Time Table           Marks:20  

Name:____________________   Roll no._______

  1. Write the multiplication table of 2,3,4,and 5


Class: 2      Drawing/Handwriting          Marks:20  

Name:____________________   Roll no._______


  1. Draw a birthday cake and colour it. (10)
  2. Look and write 10 times in cursive writing. (10)
      Parents are a gift of God.
Posted : 18 May 2021 8:44 AM