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Class 7 Second Evaluation 2nd Assignment

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2nd Evaluation

2nd Assignment, 2021

Class-7                                                           English                                                               F.M-40

A). Answer these following questions.

1). What did the old woman say in her prayers that night? 1

2). Why was the old woman afraid to move? 2

4). Describe the old woman's clothes, posture looks. 4

5). Why does the author say, Newton 'seemed to have been born with a saw or chisel in his hand'? 2

6). How did Isaac learn about the way a windmill operated? 4

7). What led Newton to the discovery of the force of gravitation? 1

8). Was Samuel as ruthless as Swami had described him? Give examples in support of your answer. 3


B). Answer these questions with reference to the context.

1). 'I seem to myself like a child.'

       a). Who said this? 1

       b). Why did the speaker compare himself/herself to a child? 1


2). 'He will beat me if I say so.'

       a). Who is the speaker of these words? 1

       b). Who is 'he'? Why would he beat the speaker? 1


C). Write the summary of the poem

            'The Miller of the Dee' 7


D). Underline the verbs in these sentences and state whether they are transitive or intransitive. 7

1). My aunt bought me a bag.

2). The girl danced beautifully.

3). We went to see the circus.

4). I can play tennis.

5). She sings for the choir.

6). We found a briefcase.

7). These cupcakes are tasty.


E). Look at the expressions in bold in the following sentences. They are all related to studying. Choose
     the option that best matches their meaning. 5

1). I was so nervous before my history exam that when I got the question paper, my mind went blank.

  1. I became confused.
  2. I became upset.
  3. I couldn't remember anything.


2). He seemed to breeze through his exams even though he did not study more than three hours a day.

  1. fail
  2. succeed
  3. to not be serious about studies


3). Due to a sudden illness, she fell behind in her studies and needed extra help from the teachers.

  1. to slow down in progress
  2. forgot all she knew
  3. made mistakes


4). You should know the chapters inside out if you want to fully prepared for the oral exam.

  1. memorise
  2. know very well
  3. find new information


5). Rajesh had to drop out of school to support his family when his father passed away.

  1. take up another subject
  2. leave school or college, without completing your studies
  3. make excuses


Class VII

Grammar   50 Marks


Q.1 Answer the following questions.

Q1. What is a preposition? Give an example.                                                                 3

Q2. What is a conjunction? Give an example.                                                                2

Q3. What is a direct speech? Give an example                                                               2

Q4. What is an indirect speech? Give an example.                                                         2

Q5. What is a Phrase? Give an example.                                                                                    3

Q6. What is an Adjective Phrase?                                                                                  1

Q7. What is an Adverb Phrase?                                                                                     1

Q8. What is a Noun Phrase?                                                                                          1


Q.2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate PREPOSITIONS.                                                            5

  1. Special classes are held for children __________ average. (below, under)
  2. Distribute these books __________ the two sisters. (between, among)
  3. The traveler was struck _______ lightning. (with, by)
  4. This book is quite different _________ that. (than, from)
  5. I shall return your money ______ a week. (in, after)


Q.3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate CONJUNCTIONS.                                                          5

  1. The Buddha taught ____ desires lead to sorrow.
  2. The king’s heart was full of love ______ for men ____ for animals.
  3. He was ____ powerful _____ nobody dared to oppose him.
  4. _______ I did not know French, I could not understand his speech.
  5. My bat has been ______ lost ____ stolen.


Q.4 Fill in the blanks with one of the conjunctions given in the brackets.                         5

  1. The function began _______ the chief guest arrived. (while, as soon as)
  2. She was so tired __________ she at once fell asleep. (until, that, before)
  3. Keep walking _______ you reach the station. (when, while, until)
  4. The train was derailed _________ no one was hurt. (although, but, else)
  5. I shall go _________ you accompany me. (however, unless, if)


Q.5 Join the following pairs of sentences using a conjunction.                                        5

  1. Do not be unfair. Do not tolerate unfairness.
  2. He got his salary. He took his mother to a doctor.
  3. The reviews were not very good. I went to see the movie.
  4. You will never progress in life. You must change your attitude.
  5. Your complaints are genuine. I don’t have the power to do anything.


Q.6 Put the following into INDIRECT SPEECH using THAT as a conjunction.               5

  1. Radhika says, “The sky is overcast with thick, dark clouds.”
  2. Rajat has said, “Mukesh will disgrace himself by accepting such a job”.
  3. The principal will say, “Rules have to be followed at any cost”.
  4. Sumi says, “The new music teacher is an excellent flute player”.
  5. The teacher has said, “ No indiscipline can be tolerated in the school”.


Q.7 Put the following sentences into INDIRECT SPEECH.                                                         5

  1. I said, “She as trying for a job in the Indian Airlines”.
  2. He said, “The villagers are kind even to their enemies”.
  3. I said, “He was fascinated by her beauty”.
  4. Jasper said, “Shamim wrote all the programmes herself”.
  5. Shamim said, “Jasper loves children, takes care of their needs and helps them in their difficulties”.


Q.8 Give the INDIRECT SPEECH EXPRESSIONS of the following words.                                5

  1. This/These
  2. Here
  3. Now
  4. Ago
  5. Today



Subject -science

A.Fill in the blanks-(5×1=5)

1.A series of………..reactions result in the release of energy by oxidation of food.

2.when the diaphragm ………….oxygen-rich air taken into the lungs.

3.The wind pipe is made up if several ring-like structures,held together by………..

4.plant root typically take in ……….available in small spaces between soil particles and give off………….

5……….respiration is the most efficient form of respiration.


B.choose the correct option-(5×1=5)

1.Choose these are like slits and made up of thread-like structures?

a.gills b.filaments c.capillaries d.all of these

2.which of these is formed as a result of respiration in plants? b.carbon dioxide c.water d.all of these

3.which of these is formed as a result if anaerobic respiration. b.carbondioxide and ethyl alcohol,carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol

4.which of these do amphibians use to breathe in air on land

a.trachea b.spiracles c.surface if the skin d.lungs

5.why do farmers plough the soil? increase root respiration decrease root respiration iecrease respiration through stomata decrease respiration through stomata


C.very short answer type questions-(3×2=6)

Q1.Animals in which exchange of gases take place directly from the water or air through diffusion.

Ans-a.................... b. …………..

Q2.Animals that breathe through spiracles.

Ans-a………….. b…………..

Q3.organisms that respire anaerobically.

Ans-a………….. b…………….


D.Short answer type questions-(4×3=12)

Q1.Define respiration?why is it called a chemical process?

Q2.what is oxyhaemoglobin?write its chemical reaction.

Q3.why do roots of plants need to respire?

Q4.write three important points of combustion.


E.Long answer type questions-(3×4=12)

Q1.Explain how a fish respires in water,with the help of gills.

Q2.what is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?write the equation to show both the processes.

Q3.Differentiate between breathing and respiration.



Class 7               Social Science                               FM 40

A. Tick the correct answers:                                                                                    1 x 10 =10

  1. Village Panchayats are _____ institution at the local level.
    a. Monarchical     b. Democratic               c. Dictatorial                 d. Military
  2. In India, we have _______ democracy.
    a. Junta    b. Democracy               c. Dictatorship              d. Absolute monarchy
  3. Alfred Wegener was a German
    a. Geologist    b. Seismologist c. Geographer               d. Meteorologist
  4. Which of the following is not a volcanic peak?
    a. Kilimanjaro   b. Nanda Devi              c. Etna                          d. Vesuvius
  5. The average radius of the mantle is about
    a. 2300 km    b. 2900 km                   c. 3500 km                   d. 3900 km
  6. The fossil fuels are found in ______ rocks.
    a. Igneous    b. Sedimentary  c. Metamorphic d. volcanic
  7. Which of the following rocks is not a metamorphic rock?
    a. Quartzite   b. Marble                      c. Granite                     d. Slate    
  8. Firoz Shah Tughluq founded the new towns of
    a. Jaunpur and Firozpur         b. Delhi and Firozpur
    c. Daulatabad and Firozabad   d. Gulbarga and Firozpur
  9. During the Sultanate period the nobles were given land grants called
    a. Jagirs     b. Iqtas                         c. Mansabs                   d. Zamin
  10. This Wazir built a magnificent madrasah in Bidar.
    a. Mahmud Gawan    b. Bahman Shah            c. Firoz Shah                d. Malik Kafur


B. Fill in the blanks:                           1 x 5 = 5

  1. ______ was the most powerful ruler of the Slave Dynasty.
  2. The First battle of Panipat was fought between _______ Lodi and ______ .
  3. Limestone is metamorphosed into ______.
  4. ______ monarchy means the rule by a king or queen.


C. Answer the following questions:                       2 x 10 = 20

  1. Into how many groups can geographical elements be classified into? Name them.
  2. Explain Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift.
  3. What are the causes of the Bhuj earthquake?
  4. What is an earthquake?
  5. Distinguish between crust and core.
  6. Who was Malik Sarwar? How did he take advantage of Timur’s invasion?
  7. Who were the ashtadiggajas?
  8. What were ‘dagh’ and ‘chehra’? Who introduced them?
  9. Who was the last Khalji ruler? Who defeated him?
  10. Name the four departments or pillars of the Tughluq empire.


5 marks for Clean and proper Presentation of assignment


Class:7                ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH        40M   2021

Q1. Answer  the following question.

1.What was the name of Puneet father?

2.What was the name of Puneet mother?

3.Where did puneet father enrolled him for the evening classes?

4.what is the opinion about puneet according to the author?

  1. Compare the environment the author encountered in her compartment and the other compartment she visited?

6 . What was the name of the boy whom she encountered in the new compartment?

  1. What was his father profession?

8.What was his mother profession?

  1. From which village does he belong?

10.What are the extracurricular activities he is involved ?

11.How many languages does he know? Name them.

12.what is freedom according to him?

13.What did the boy offered to them in the train?


Q2. Change the voice of these sentences…   8m        page no. 41

  1. The gentleman switched off the lights.
  2. The parents we’re giving numerous instructions to their son.
  3. The mother laid table mats on the berth and placed steel plates.
  4. I could understand their pain.
  5. I could not control my laughter

6.They seemed to have forgotten that he was an independent person.

7.My parents have sacrificed a lot and I have taken a bank loan

  1. After school, I would visit one house every day.


Q3. Sharad is a young man standing at the threshold of a new life. What are your predictions about his future? Explain the reasons for your conclusions.  3m

Q4. Do you feel that Puneet’s parents were harming their son by not allowing him to take decisions independently? Give reasons for your answer.            3m

Q5 . Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given in brackets. 8m( page no. 64)

1.A…… returned to the city and was given a warm reception. ( jubilantly)

  1. Give me a … .. … ., please( hinted)

3.The………….cream on the top of the cake looked inviting. ( whip)

  1. His… .. .. was a giveaway. ( accented)

5.I agree that this is a… .. .. idea( novelty)

6………..cannot be achieved so easily. ( normal)

7.I met an… . . … .on the way to the market. ( acquainted)

8.The milkshake was exceptionally… .. … . ( frothing)

Q6.Add prefixes or suffixes to these words to form new words. 5m

    1.nervous…………                 2. Trouble… .. … ..

    3.polite . . … .. ..                  4.reason………….

     5.fair…….      … .                 6. Human. .. …

  1. except… .. … .                  8. Treat. .. . ..……….                     10. Allow… .. .



Class-7                       Subject-Tenyidie                         (40 marks)

Ketsokeshüko kelashülie:

K1. Tekhu pie zasi chükecü puoca kedipuo ga?                                             2

K2. Tekhu hu pie cü chükecü suomia bu kelieya ga?                                     2

K3.Kruokeliezasiko thushülie.                                                                          2

K4. Thegalirokedipuozasiga?                                                                          2

K5.Kruokeliezasikothushülie.                                                                           2

K6.Themuo chüpe ha kedipuo zasi ga? Suomia chüpie

 rhipie u ki  gei zhaya ga?                                                                                     3

K7. Kedipuo la thepfumia mozhü zhüya ga?                                                    3

K8. Kedipuo la thenumia mozhü zhüya ga?                                                      3

K12. Nagamiae kedipuo se zasi chükecü chüya ga?                                      3

K13. . Diechako thu tseishülie.                                                                           5

1) Nagamia-e _________ se ketherhu seya.

2)Tekhu ha ___________ mu kemichie mho ____________ zasi.

3)_______________ liro Wi mu Tekhu mhiei di zasi chü sekecü chüya mo.

4)____________ liro mephrümerhükecü zasi.

5)Khuthu kekreikreikecüko ________ nu ngulieya.


K 11.Dieca hako pie diecha chüshülie.                                                             5

a) Krütsa
b) Zasi
c) Kichüki
d) Rütso
e) Tsana

K12. Nagamia ki puo gei zasi sa di rhishülie. Kedipuo la zasi süko  rhishü shiü vatshashülie.                                                                        8                                                


1. Akhidang asen Naga nungerji ochishir, teindang nisung liasü ta kuli asütsü tatishitsü ka agüja langzüang?
2. Nagaland nung Naga nunger kürakyanglu kechisa mesüktepa lir?
3. Kechiba Naga nunger asoshi sü kürakyanglu ya tongtibang?
4. Nagaland nung koba ozü kürakyanglu tongtibangtiba?
5. Keyi kürakyanglu yagi kechi jangjatsür? Keyi tepo agi yangluba azük ya shir agitsü tetemsü?
6. Teptsü atepba ya koba kinisa amshir?
QB. Tazüngtsü kaket tapak 33 nung ( teinyaktsü B) Tazüng alibaji süngdakjang. 
Number 1 nungi 6 tashiji züluzüka inyakang.
QC. Tazüngtsü kaket tapak 35 nung agüja aliba noksaji repranga yangluang aser sentsü tapet tepang.
Temetettsü: Item teinyaktsü ajak A4 size paper nung züluang.


Class 7                   General Knowledge                      FM 50


Answer the following questions:                               1 x 25  =25

  1. What are the names of the four Vedas?
  2. Who has the authority to declare a ‘Global Emergency’?
  3. When is Sports day celebrated in India?
  4. Where is Ranthambore National Park situated?
  5. Mohenjo-Daro Site of Indus Valley Civilization was associated with which river?
  6. What is the capital city of Argentina?
  7. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is situated at?
  8. How many scheduled languages are there as per the constitution of India?
  9. How many scheduled languages are written in Indian currency?
  10. Name the currency used in Singapore.
  11. Which lake is situated at the border of Peru – Bolivia?
  12. Who was the first woman and first Maharashtrian to become the President of India?
  13. What is the height of the Mt. Everest in meters?
  14. What is the name and height of the highest mountain in South America in meters?
  15. How many and which countries are there in Great Britain?
  16. Which Channel divides the Indian Islands Andaman and Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal?
  17. What is the name of the UNESCO World Heritage Site in India in Mixed Category?
  18. What is the name of the State bird and the State animal of Bihar?
  19. Who has the authority to issue currency in India?
  20. "Matki Dance" which is a variation of Rasa Dance, is a famous folk dance of which state?
  21. Whose capital is "Abu Dhabi"?
  22. Who is the author of 'Making India Awesome'?
  23. Where is Brihadeeswara Temple situated?
  24. Garo tribes are found in which state of India?
  25. Name the city of Pakistan which is World famous for maximum production of Footballs.


Draw and colour the logos of the following Brands/Companies.                               5 x 5  = 25

  1. Adidas
  2. TATA
  3. Amul
  4. Mahindra
  5. Britannia


Class 8      Art


 Material Required for making card-

a. Chart paper

b. colour

c. paper

d. scissor

e. glue

f. thread



Posted : 2 September 2021 6:15 PM